Every so often, we need to lay aside the cares of life, turn our gaze upward until the world is left behind, and we feel like we are right up at the windowsill of heaven where we can look in, get a glimpse of the glory that awaits us, and look upon the face of Jesus, our wonderful Lord and Saviour! But we can't stay there long -- we must come back down, pick up our daily responsibilities, and "labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun."
And then, if we are faithful, one day we will hear Him say: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
I love this beautiful poem that I read recently, entitled, "Yes, Heaven" by J. E. Taylor.
"Is there no place beneath the sun where wounded hearts may find a balm,
And storm-tossed souls on life's rough sea may find a port where all is calm?
Is there a place in all the earth where one may be relieved of care,
And sorrow, sickness, pain, and tears, and burdens that are hard to bear?
Oh, tell me if at all you know where weary souls may find sweet peace --
Unbroken by the storms of life, where turmoil shall forever cease.
Is there no place where souls may dwell in unity and sweet content,
Rejoicing in one "blessed hope," without a feud or faction rent?
Is there not in this vast domain some treasured spot that we may find,
Where sin shall all be done away that cursed the race of humankind.
There is an answer to our quest-- and this is all that can be given:
It is not found beneath the stars --- God made the place and called it heaven!"
Are you ready for that day to come?
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