A few weeks ago, my pastor used a very vivid illustration in his message. It spoke to my heart, and I asked him if I could share it on my Blog.
A Haitian pastor illustrated the need for total consecration to Christ with this parable: "A certain man wanted to sell his house for $2,000.00. Another man wanted very badly to buy it, but because he was poor, he couldn't afford the full price. After much bargaining, the owner agreed to sell the house for half the original price with just one stipulation: he would retain ownership of one small nail protruding from just over the door.
After several years, the original owner wanted the house back, but the new owner was unwilling to sell. So first the owner went out, found the carcass of a dead dog, and hung it from the nail he still owned. Soon the house became unlivable, and the family was forced to sell the house to the owner of the nail."
The Haitian pastor's conclusion: "If we leave the Devil with even one small peg in our life, he will return to hang his rotting garbage on it, making it unfit for Christ's habitation."
To me, this little story is a powerful picture of inbred sin, and how the Devil will do whatever he can to bargain with us in an attempt to keep us from paying the full price -- even if we have given all but "a little nail"! If our consecration is not totally complete-- if we have not paid "the full price" -- the Devil will be back to claim his "nail", hang his garbage on it, and our heart will be unfit for Christ to dwell in! But, praise the Lord, I am so very thankful that we don't have to keep even one little nail.
When we hold nothing back -- when we surrender all -- we can sing with the songwriter:
"This land of peace and plenty is yours by faith to claim.
There's perfect love and rest from inbred sin.
Its mountain heights possessing through faith in Jesus name,
Cross over and the victory life begin!"
Praise the Lord! This is where I want to live -- "in the center of the will of God."
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