Friday, August 31, 2018

Precious Memories!

The warm, summer days are swiftly passing away and the scent of Fall is in the air.  Tomorrow is September 1, and the next day, September 2, is the Lord's Day!  But this Lord's Day is a very special day for me, for if Dad was still here, we would be celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary!  But I am quite sure, sweet Papa, that you are having such a glorious time living on the "Hallelujah Side" --  loving your conversations with the Apostle Paul -- perhaps wishing that you could tell the younger grandchildren and great grandchildren how exciting it is to hear Daniel tell about sleeping with the lions, and the three Hebrew children tell about being thrown in the fiery furnace!  And you've probably begged Elijah many times to tell you again of his miraculous victories!  You loved to preach about him -- so you probably don't even remember what an important day this is!!

However, the Bible says "we are compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses", so I think perhaps our wonderful Lord lets you look over the edge of heaven to enjoy special things that are happening in the family.  And on our Anniversary, I plan to take some time to recall some "Precious Memories" of living "each for the other, and both for the Lord"!  I still remember very vividly the first time I heard you pray when the College was in revival.  I said -- "Who is that praying so loud"?  My friend said, "that's Gene Hood from Texas"!  Immediately, I said in my heart --"I would like to marry a man who can pray like that!"  And now, 60 years later, I greatly miss those prayers -- I miss your strong leadership -- your determination to obey God, whatever the cost -- your example of being a "Giver", never a "Taker" -- your selflessness; never caring who got the credit -- your burning desire to build an Ark for the saving of your house!

Well, sweet Papa, I could write an epistle, but I am quite sure you are "chomping at the bits" to get back to your conversation with Abraham!  So in closing, I want you to know that you don't need to worry about me, for the children and grandchildren are taking wonderful care of me!  I'm happy living for Jesus -- sweeter gets the journey day by day, and I plan, by God's wonderful grace, to meet you at The Eastern Gate with the family in my hand!


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