Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Father's Day!

This coming Sunday, June 19, is a special day of honoring our fathers!  As this special day approaches, I like to walk back down memory's lane and think of how very blessed I am to have had a wonderful father who loved God, loved His Holy Word, and also loved His Holy Day!

When I went away to college, I met and married the man who has been a wonderful father to our four children.  I made a wise choice when I said "yes" to that Texan, and I am thankful today that it was not hard for me to honor him as the head of our home.  He loved God supremely; greatly loved his family, and was a man of character who lived by the little phrase in Proverbs 23:23:  "Buy the truth, and sell it not . . . "

It is heart-breaking to think of the many little children today who have no father in their home.  If you have a godly father, you are very blessed!!  He is worthy of your deep appreciation and honor on this special day set aside to honor him!!

BEST WISHES for a wonderful Father's Day to my boys -- Randy, Jonathan and Joel; my son-in-law, Tommie and my grandson, Adrian!  I hold you in my heart and pray that God will make you mighty men of valor, strong and courageous; men of sterling character and principle, fully surrendered to God, so that you can say to my precious grandchildren and great grandchildren---"Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."

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