Monday, June 13, 2016

Enter the Sanctuary . . .

The 73rd Psalm, a Psalm of Asaph, is a very interesting Psalm.  But who was this Asaph?  We learn about him in the book of I Chronicles.  He also wrote 12 Psalms, and since he was an important Tabernacle musician during King David's reign, scholars think he may have written much of the original music for David's Psalms.

Asaph was a young priest from the tribe of Levi when David brought the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem.  Asaph was so talented that King David put him in charge of the music before the Ark of the Covenant.  He was probably in his twenties at the time.  In I Chronicles 16:4-5, we see that Asaph was appointed to sound cymbals during the ceremony when the Ark was brought to the new Tabernacle.  In verses 7-36, we find that King David appointed Asaph to lead Israel in a special Psalm of praise.

Now, let us look a few moments at Psalm 73.  The 1st verse is a lovely verse:  "Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart."  But then, it seems that he suddenly plunges from the heights of beauty and blessing to the depths of discouragement and despondency!  Perhaps Bro. Asaph got his eyes off of the Lord and on to people that were wicked and ungodly, and yet were prospering in the world and increasing in riches.  Verses 2-16 are a very depressing catalogue of woes, injustices, etc.which were just about to overcome him.

But then, praise the Lord, in verse 17, we find that he went into the sanctuary of God and everything changed!!  He obviously had "a little talk with Jesus" until once again he was ready to lead Israel in a special Psalm of thanksgiving and praise!  And by verse 24, he was lifting his heart to God and cried out:  "Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.  Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee."

My friend, don't miss an opportunity to enter the sanctuary of God -- Jesus will meet you there!    

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