Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Day of Preparation!

When my husband was pastoring, he made it a priority to spend as much of Saturday as possible in his study preparing his heart and mind for the services on the Lord's Day.  Somewhere along the way, this little phrase, "The Day of Preparation," fixed itself in my mind.  I thought it must be of great importance because all 4 of the gospels record it in the events that transpired around the Cross.

I'm not sure what all was meant by the Day of Preparation in Jesus' day, but I felt like I wanted to try to make Saturday a day of preparation for Sunday as much as I could.  Of course, some Saturdays are somewhat of a disaster for various reasons, and there seems to be no time to try and prepare my heart for Sunday.  But there are a few things that I have tried to do, when possible, that have been a help and blessing to me.

I try to arrange my day so that I have extra time to spend in God's Word and prayer.  I also try to keep my mind focused on the up-coming Lord's Day and the church services.  I make a conscious effort to guard my mind and not worry about the things that may be facing me in the next week!  I like to pray for my pastor that God can lay on his heart the messages that we need, and speak through him to our waiting hearts.

As much as possible, I try to do everything that must be done for Sunday (meal preparation, etc.) on Saturday, so that I am not rushed on Sunday morning.  I love to awaken on the Lord's Day with a prayer on my lips and a song in my heart!
Yes, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."

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