Monday, April 4, 2016

Living In God's Word!

I read a little quote once that said -- "Live in God's Word; make it your home."  It grabbed my attention, and I wondered -- "What does that mean?"  As I meditated on it, a couple of thoughts came to mind.  First of all, we are very familiar with our home.  We know its contents well; we also need to know what is in God's Word, for it will be our judge someday.  We also love our home -- we enjoy our home and love spending time there.  We also love having fellowship with family and friends there.  Do you see the connection?  We should enjoy and love spending time in God's Word and having fellowship with Him!

God's Word is such a wonderful treasure!  It contains everything we need for happiness in this life and clearly shows us what it's going to take to make it to heaven.  It has glorious promises; stern warnings, too -- exciting love stories; amazing miracles; creation with all its wonders; prophecy; sublime poetry and oratory; graphic descriptions of heaven and hell -- there's hardly a stopping place when we begin talking about God's Holy Word!

God is perfect in every way, and because He loves us and wants us to live with Him forever, He inspired holy men to write His Words -- His commandments; His laws; His wisdom; His marvelous principles; His love and His judgments.  From the creation in Genesis 1 to the last promise, last invitation and last warning in the final chapter of Revelation, our Heavenly Father has called, wooed, intreated and warned because He is not willing that any should perish.

Praise the Lord for His blessed, glorious and wonderful Word!  If we will determine and purpose to live in God's Word, make it our home and obey it implicitly, then not only will we profit from it, but our children as well. 

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