Monday, April 25, 2016

"Make thee an ark . . ."

Genesis 6:6 is such a sad verse -- "And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart."  In fact, the Lord was so grieved that He said in verse 7 -- "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth . . ."  Then, in the midst of despair, come the sweet words of verses 8 and 9:  "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  . . . Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God."

God told Noah that He was going to destroy all flesh, told him to build an ark, and also told him exactly how to do it.  I wonder what Noah thought---it had not yet rained upon the earth, and God was asking him to build a monstrous boat that would float!  However, it seems that Noah began immediately to do God's bidding,  and this faithful man of God preached righteousness to the people for 120 years (Genesis 6:3).  And God's Word says in Genesis 6:22, ". . . according to all that God commanded him, so did he."

But it seems, in spite of Noah's faithful preaching, the people paid no attention to him -- probably made fun of him, thinking him quite stupid for endeavoring to build such a huge boat when it had never even rained a single drop!  Perhaps Noah felt like he was a failure, because after preaching for 120 years, not even one person heeded his message! But then God spoke to him in chapter 7:1 and said, "Come thou and all thy house into the ark."  What a thrill it must have been for Noah to hear those wonderful words -- 'Come in, and all the family with you!'

After Dad retired from the pastorate, he spoke often about building an Ark, wanting to make sure that all the family were safe within.  But one year ago yesterday, the death angel came in to his hospital room and immediately he was present with the Lord.  Since that day, I have often prayed and thought about building the Ark and wanted to close with this prayer from my heart.

     "Dear Heavenly Father -- Yesterday was a 'bitter-sweet' day as we recalled happy times with Dad.
Thank You for giving Bro. Thornton the wonderful message on Heaven.
Thank You for the children and precious grandchildren who have been so sweet and thoughtful throughout the year.
Thank You, dear Master, for the sweet nearness of Your Presence in my heart and life.
And now, as we begin another year without Dad as the head of our family, I feel very keenly my great responsibility to the family that You have placed in my hand.  Please help me to continue building the Ark for the saving of our house.  Help me to understand the pattern; teach me to pray in the Holy Ghost; grant me the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that I need.  I don't have Dad as the leader of our home anymore, so I humbly ask Thee to be my Teacher, and help me to live so that the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can always see the love of Jesus shining through me, and will make sure they are safe in the Ark.
This I humbly ask in Jesus Name, Amen."   


  1. Thank you precious friend for your writings today! You are a wonderful example of how the grace of God rules in one's life. God bless you

  2. Sis. Hood, you are an inspiration. Thank you for your life and your investment into others.
