Today is President's Day, and it is a National Holiday as we remember the birthdays of two of our great Presidents -- George Washington and Abraham Lincoln! Our nation has been very blessed to have had many Presidents who honored and respected the Lord's Day!
The following facts about a few of our Presidents were taken from an article in "The United Presbyterian".
Washington in the Revolutionary War, Lincoln in the Civil War, and Wilson in the first World War gave orders relieving troops as far as possible "from fatigue duty on Sunday, giving them opportunity to attend public worship." They based these orders on -- "the necessity to man and beast of the weekly rest", the sacred rights of Christian sailors and soldiers", and "a due regard to the divine will."
When Garfield was nominated, twelve o'clock Saturday night found people in the midst of balloting; yet all was adjourned until Monday!
Hayes and Garfield habitually walked to church that their servants might rest and worship on the Lord's Day!
At the opening of the State Centennial of Tennessee, McKinley refused to take a trip to Lookout Mountain, saying, "No, I do not go sightseeing on Sunday."
Theodore Roosevelt said, "Experience shows that the day of rest is essential to mankind. It is demanded by civilization as well as Christianity."
Coolidge said, "I profoundly believe in the Sabbath and feel that we should give attention not only to the physical aspects, but also to the moral and spiritual phases of the Holy Day."
Hoover, when invited to join a fishing party on Sunday, replied, "The Hoovers never fish on Sunday."
Our fathers built our Republic upon Christian foundations, one of which is the Lord's Day. Our Presidents held to a Sunday of rest and worship which is essential to America's spiritual and material greatness, and opposed a holiday and labor day Sunday with their dissipations and fatigue. Our heavy task of reconstruction, moral leadership and righteous adjustments require the blessing of God's Day!
God's Word has not changed! His commandment still reads -- "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy", but it also instructs us that "the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath"! Our blessed Heavenly Father knew that we needed this day of rest and worship; and I say, along with these Presidents and the Psalmist, David -- "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord!"
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