Monday, January 13, 2020

Rich - Young - Nameless

The rich young ruler had a conversation with the Master in the 18th chapter of Luke, verses 18-25.  Annie Johnson Flint has written a poem about their conversation that day --

     "We are not told his name -- this "rich young ruler who sought the Lord that day;
We only know that he had great possessions, and -- that he went away.
      He went away from joy and peace and power; from love unguessed, untold;
From that eternal life that he was seeking, back to his paltry gold.

      He went away; he kept his earthly treasure, but oh, at what a cost!
Afraid to take the cross and lose his riches -- and God and heaven were lost.
      So for the tinsel bonds that held and drew him, what honor he let slip --
Comrade of John and Paul, and friend of Jesus -- what glorious fellowship!

      For they who left their all to follow Jesus have found a deathless fame.
On His immortal scroll of saints and martyrs, God wrote each shining name.
      We should have read his there -- the rich young ruler -- if he had stayed that day;
Nameless -- though Jesus loved Him -- ever nameless -- because He went away."

Where are you today?  Have you, like this rich young ruler, gone away sorrowful?  I trust that you will heed these beautiful words from a great hymn by Haldor Lillenas --
               "Now is the time to receive Him;
          Grant Him admission today.
                 Grieve Him no more, but open your door,
          And turn Him no longer away."
"For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."

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