Monday, October 28, 2019

Turn Back ---

Yesterday was a blessed day in the house of the Lord, but I wonder -- where do you find yourself on the road of life this Monday morning?   Are you traveling down the broad way that leadeth to destruction, or are you walking in the narrow way which leadeth unto life? 

Last night at church, my son sang a song which my husband used to sing.  It always touched my heart, and still does, as I picture the Good Shepherd searching for the lost sheep.  Do you need to turn back today?

     "I strolled along the road one day -- but it was not the narrow way;
I met a stranger -- He spoke to me.
      He said, 'My child, where goest thou?'  I said --
'I seek the road just now to wordly pleasures along the way.'

      I said, 'There is so much to see -- I cannot turn, I must be free --
New fields to conquer as on I go.
      I never shall forget that day -- How sad He looked as He turned away!
He bowed His head -- and He dropped a tear.

      And as I journeyed on my way, I stooped to pick a lovely spray,
But it was sorrow that looked so gay.
      And then a dark cloud rolled my way; twas then I heard the Saviour say,
'Turn back, my child -- come home with Me.'

      'Turn back my child, for the way is very steep --
The things you'll find out there you cannot keep --
      The way is filled with thorns, and the things you'll find are cheap --
Turn back, my child -- come home with Me.'

      And then He gently took my hand -- He lifted me from sinking sand;
He said, 'My child--believe in Me' --
      And then such beauty I beheld!  I'm sure that I could never tell
Just why He saved a wretch like me.'

      Turn back, my child, for the way is very steep --
The things you'll find out there you cannot keep --
      The way is filled with thorns, and the things you'll find are cheap --
Turn back, my child -- come home with Me.'"

Jesus is calling to you this morning --"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

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