We read in God's Word that "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." We are admonished in God's Word to "Pray without ceasing." (I Thessalonians 5:17) Earnest, intercessory prayer is, perhaps, one of the greatest needs of the church today. Without prayer, we are powerless and fruitless! I think the verse in Ezekiel 22:30 is such a sad verse. I picture the Master looking -- seeking -- longing -- for a man to pray -- to intercede -- to stand in the gap for the land, but He found none. Can you feel God's longing and disappointment in these sad words --
"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."
I trust this poem by Harper Welch will challenge your heart today, as it has mine.
" I failed to pray --
And icy chords of earth slipped round my soul.
My heart, once warm with love, turned chill --
And dead toward Him who gave Himself and died for me.
The needy souls of men about me touched me not.
No surges of compassion filled my being,
No springs of human kindness for the helpless;
No joy, no peace, no satisfaction for my portion,
Because I failed to pray.
But then, I prayed --
And heaven's warmth burned in my once cold heart,
And God's great love was mine in fullest measure.
The needs of men weighed heavily upon me;
My obligations to my Lord were clear and plain.
And 'Peace which passeth understanding' --
Joy, and life abundant, and a glow deep settled:
These I knew through God, my Heavenly Father,
Because I prayed.
Help me, dear Lord, to pray as I ought, always,
Not fainting with the tensions of my life;
But strong, and stalwart, and courageous in the faith,
Supported by the Spirit, and the grace which can and shall be mine,
Because I pray!"
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