Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sunshine in my Soul

We have had an abundance of rain lately, so it was such a blessing when I awakened this morning to see the beautiful sunshine streaming in my windows!  The trees and grass and flowers all looked so lovely with the glow of the sun shining on them.  In reality, we know that back of the clouds the sun is always shining.  When we're flying in an airplane, it may be very cloudy when we take off, but when we break through the clouds, how wonderful it is to see the sun is still shining!
It also made me think of the sunshine in my soul.  Just as our earth must have rain, as well as sunshine, so there will be some storms in our life.  But when it seems the storms of life are raging, we can still have a deep, settled peace in our soul!  Praise the Lord!  And then, some day, if we will be true and faithful to the end, all the storms of life will be over, and as the song writer said:  "All the toils of the road will seem as nothing when we get to the end of the way."

So let us keep sunshine in our soul, for Jesus is our Light!  "Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today!  Since the Saviour found me, took away my sin -- I have had the sunlight of His love within."   

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