Friday, May 17, 2019

My Church!

Today is Friday, and I look forward with anticipation to going to God's House--my church-- on His Holy Day!  But then I thought --- maybe it would be good to spend a little time reflecting on this quote we have all heard:  "What would my church be if every member were just like me"?  It is quite a sobering thought!
I read the following thoughts in one of my husband's old Preacher's Magazines:

               "What Makes a Church Great"

NOT soft seats and subdued lights, but strong, courageous leadership.
NOT the sweet tones of the organ, but sweet personalities that reflect Jesus.
NOT tall towers with chimes and bells, but lofty vision of its people.
NOT big budgets, but large hearts.
NOT the amount of finances received, but the amount of service rendered.
NOT the large membership, but God's presence and direction and power.
NOT what it has done in the past, but what it is doing now, and planning to do tomorrow.

     "Help me, dear Jesus, to be one who helps to make my church great for Your Glory and the upbuilding of Your Kingdom".
     "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."

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