To meet the many demands of motherhood, it is so important to begin the day with Jesus. I like the little quote that says, "If a day is hemmed in prayer, it is less likely to unravel." I also love this one: "Every morning lean thine arms awhile upon the window sill of heaven and gaze upon thy Lord. Then, with this vision in thy heart, turn strong to meet thy day." As Mothers, we must keep ever before us the vital importance of prayer and obedience to God. According to Proverbs 31, this kind of Mother is invaluable. The Scripture says her price is far above rubies; no quantity of precious stones can be equal to her worth!
There is great joy in being a Mother, but there is great responsibility, also. Sometimes there are tears, heartaches, and sorrows, but I believe some of life's greatest joys come from being a Mother! I wonder what the Lord would like to do with the little ones you hold in your hand today, dear Mother? Nothing is impossible with God! I think of Moses -- how his Mother hid him as a baby, and then made a little ark for him and put it out on the water --how Pharaoh's daughter found him, spared his life --and later God used him to deliver His people out of Egyptian bondage. As Mothers, may we realize anew that God has given us the secret weapon of prayer, and throughout His Word, has given us wonderful examples of the power of prayer.
I believe that, as a Mother, our responsibility for our family never ends, even though the children may be married and gone from home. I think of Judah when he was pleading for Benjamin; he made quite a long plea, ending with -- "How shall I go up to my Father and the lad be not with me"! That tugs at my heartstrings, and makes me want to fall on my knees and pour out my heart to God for my children and grandchildren. Mothers--perhaps we need to be more like the prophet, Jeremiah, weeping day and night for the salvation of our families.
Mothers--we are the heart of the home -- the glue that holds the family together and makes the home a haven of peace and love and joy. Sometimes your load may seem overwhelming, but God has promised His grace will be sufficient for the needs of each day. Perhaps we can think of our children as little gardens that God has given us to oversee. We want the best soil for our little gardens, which we might think of as the instructions in God's Word. Then we need to fertilize our gardens with daily prayer.
In this little Blog, I have put a lot of emphasis on prayer, but I believe that godly, praying mothers are greatly needed today. We are busy, and sometimes feel almost overwhelmed with the cares of life, but I believe Jesus would like to burn into our hearts this mystery -- that the most important work we have to do is that which must be done on our knees, alone with God, away from the bustle of the world.
In closing, I want to share this beautiful poem, "The Builder", by an unknown author. I pray that it will speak to the heart of every Mother and deepen our desire and longing to be Mothers of prayer!
"A builder built a temple; he wrought it with care and skill --
Pillars and doors and arches, all fashioned to work his will.
And men said, as they saw its beauty, 'it shall never know decay.
Great is thy skill, O builder! Thy fame shall endure for aye.'
A Mother built a temple with infinite loving care,
Planning each arch with patience, laying each stone with prayer.
None praised her unceasing effort, none knew of her wond'rous plan.
For the temple the Mother built was unseen by the eye of man.
Gone is the builder's temple -- crumbled into the dust;
Low lies each stately pillar; food for consuming rust.
But the temple the Mother built will last while the ages roll,
For the beautiful unseen temple, was a child's immortal soul."
Happy Mother's Day to each of you, with a special wish for the Mothers' I hold in my heart:
My daughter, Paula
My three daughter-in-laws: Barb, Jess, and Mandy
My granddaughter-in-law, Brittany
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