Friday, April 27, 2018

We Remember -- We are Blessed!

The family and I have traveled down memory's lane this week as we have remembered that night three years ago when Dad took his flight to heaven and laid down the cross for a crown! 
Today on my Blog, I just want to say "Thank You" --

Thank You to my Heavenly Father who doeth all things well!
Thank You to dear friends who took the time to post on Facebook very kind words about Dad.  They were a great blessing to me, and encouraged my heart.  I thanked my Heavenly Father again for the sweet promise I felt He gave me when Dad went to heaven.  I have written in my Bible -- "The Holy Spirit seemed to impress these words on my heart."  The words are from the 11th chapter of Hebrews (Dad's favorite book) -- ". . .he being dead yet speaketh."

I would like to share some of the words Bro. Wane Ninjipa, Chairman of the Papua New Guinea Bible Church, who is here in the States, sent to his daughter:

     "I am in Indianapolis without my friend, Dr. Gene Hood.  I missed seeing him at the airport where he usually picked up my suitcase and my laptop bag too.  I missed staying at his place.  I missed having lunch with him at the Cracker Barrel or McDonald's.  I miss him for the role he played in supporting PNG Bible Church and finally leaving me on that fateful Friday morning without saying anything. 
     I got up that morning and watched a video clip from EMTV of the people coming for the presentation of the 1611 Original King James Bible to the PNG National Parliament Speaker.  Bro. Hood was so excited when he got a phone call, and said -- "The men are already in California!  We need to clean this place for those very important officials to sit and use it tomorrow to eat the Mumu!"  He took out the lawnmower and gave two rakes to Ivan and myself to rake leaves from the front of the house while he mowed.
     The last I saw him alive was when he was talking to someone on the phone.  A few minutes later, I did not see him standing and thought that he must have gone into the house.  I did not see my friend fall and lay along side of the road.  Win called the ambulance and they rushed him to the hospital.  We tried everything we could, but it did not do anything to bring Bro. Hood back.  He was taken from among us and all he told me was that "he had a wonderful family, and that he squared up everything, and waited for me and a telephone call."
     A great man was taken from among us, and here I wish that he was alive to see me being elected to the International Church Holiness Convention!"

Thank you, Brother Wane, for your kind words, and I have a feeling that Dad knows all about your election to the IHC Board and is counting on you to continue to be a godly leader as you represent the New Guinea people that Dad loved so well.  

My heart is full of thanksgiving and praise today!  It is so wonderful to know that there is nothing between my soul and the Saviour!  Let us keep our hearts tender, walk in the beautiful light of God, love and obey His Holy Word, and keep the glory on our souls until our faith becomes sight and we enter the city of God where "we'll have a grand home-coming week the first ten thousand years!"  

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