I arrived home a few hours ago after attending the home-going service of a sweet friend. It is a dreary day -- not the kind of day you like for a funeral service. It is cold and damp -- snowy and slick in some spots -- but in spite of the weather, the people came in large numbers because they had loved Patsy. She had a gift of knowing how to make everyone feel that they were her "sweet friend".
In my mind, I picture her now in the "Pearly White City" making new friends -- maybe Queen Esther or Mary and Martha -- and probably she would want to stop and admonish us again to pay all the price -- whatever it costs -- to make it to the beautiful City of God!
"There's a holy and beautiful city, whose Builder and Ruler is God;
John saw it descending from heaven, when Patmos in exile he trod.
Its high, massive wall is of jasper; the city itself is pure gold.
And when my frail tent here is folded, mine eyes shall its glory behold.
No sin is allowed in that city, and nothing defiling nor mean;
No pain and no sickness shall enter; no crepe in that city is seen.
Earth's sorrows and cares are forgotten; no tempter is there to annoy;
No parting words ever are spoken; there's nothing to hurt and destroy.
No heart-aches are known in that city: no tears ever moisten the eye --
There's no disappointment in heaven--no envy and strife in the sky.
The saints are all sanctified wholly; they live in sweet harmony there.
My heart now is set on that city, and someday its blessings I'll share.
My loved ones are gathering yonder; my friends are fast passing away --
And soon I may join their bright number, and dwell in eternity's day.
They're safe now in glory with Jesus--their trials and battles are past:
They overcame sin and the tempter; they've reached that fair city at last.
In that bright city -- pearly white city.
I have a mansion, a harp, and a crown.
Now I am watching, waiting, and longing
For the white city John saw coming down!"
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