Monday, December 4, 2017

I Believe In Miracles!

My good friends, Brother and Sister Brock, were missionaries in Papua New Guinea for many years.  She recently shared with me a thrilling and amazing miracle that God has wrought.  It was such a blessing to me -- I wanted to share it with you today!

Sis. Brock sent me an article from the PNG newspaper which said:  "For the first time in the history of the Jewish community , a gentile (non-Jewish) church has been invited to take part in a church opening ceremony in Galilee district, Israel, next week.  Rev. Berry Tina of the Papua New Guinea Bible Church, based in Warakum in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province, was proud to announce this historic achievement last Friday.
We are privileged to be part of the significant change, and the Jewish community has offered to plant 42 tree seedlings for the 42 PNG Bible church members that will be traveling.  Rev. Tina said the trip was not a coincidence, but he believes it was God's plan.  This is because the founder of Bible Church, American missionary G. T. Bustin, went to Israel five months after the birth of Israel as a nation, and God called him to go to New Guinea (now PNG).  And now, after 70 years, it was God's call for me to lead my people back to Israel."

Bro. and Sis. Brock are still greatly loved and revered by the New Guinea people, and the person sending this information to Sis. Brock said:
     "Rev. Beri wants me to send a few pictures to you both in honour of your teachings and upbringing that impacted his life.  He is the black Brock preaching Sanctification and Holiness here!  And we, his Hagen congregation and District are so privileged to have such a leader.
      He was blessed awesomely by God for Tour Leader for his commitment to God in 1996 to bring his congregation to witness the Mt. of Olives where he took two bags of red and black soil from Hagen.  The colors represented the growth of the holiness message, and minerals/businesses in the country to spread the message of Holiness.
      Today, Dec. 2nd, was awesome.  Many memorable things happened with big surprises!  We sang as we sailed on the sea of Galilee.  God visited us!  There were testimonies, songs and worship.Then another BIG surprise!  The Israeli family gave an olive tree to Rev. Beri to plant for PNG Bible church.  He planted in a big area.  We thank God for opening doors for Missions in Israel.  Tomorrow will be the church opening!

      Apo and Toto (Bro. & Sis. Brock), this is your work!  Rev. Beri told me to relay the message to you!  So happy to be part of this.  This olive tree is planted in a location where a vast of empty land is situated.  Akex Barrack, from the tribe of Naphtali gave the best!  Last night we, the 42, stayed for hours at their Jewish home after Rev. Beri planted the olive tree as a new covenant with PNG Bible Church.
      Today, the 42 of us were met at the Israel Airport with a bus painted Welcome to Israel and the places we met with these writings. 
On Sunday, he will open and dedicate a church in Galilee called, PNG Bible Church Hagen Synagogue."

      Sis. Brock adds:  "Bro. Beri (that led the group) is an outstanding pastor and very respected in the town and among government leaders.  The soil he took to Israel he somehow poured out on the Mt. of Olives.  He said when Jesus returns, he was hoping one of Jesus' feet would land on the PNG soil and the other foot on Israel!!"

Praise the Lord!!!  Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever!!  Perhaps God wants to use you to be part of a miracle?  Will you be a vessel for Him?


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