Wednesday, May 24, 2017


The Word of God makes it quite clear that there will be some burdens to bear as we walk the road of life.  But, as always, the Lord gives us wonderful instruction and guidance in His Holy Word! 
The 18th chapter of Exodus is quite an interesting narrative between Moses and Jethro, his father-in-law.  Jethro noticed the people coming to Moses for judgment, and standing from morning until evening waiting their turn.  Jethro asked him what it was all about.  After Moses explained it all to him, Jethro said:

     "The thing that thou doest is not good.  Thou wilt surely wear away, for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone.  Hearken now unto my voice . . . thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness, and let them judge the people . . . every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: and they shall bear the burden with thee."

Galatians 6:2 instructs us to "Bear ye one another's burdens. . "
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12:15:  "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep."
God's Word makes it very clear that no man is an island; no man liveth unto himself, and no man dieth unto himself.  Part of our responsibility in belonging to the body of Christ is to have sincere empathy toward our brethren -- bearing their burdens with them -- sharing their sorrows and hurting when they hurt.
It is wonderful and so encouraging to know that we have Christian friends who are holding us up in prayer and bearing our burdens with us!
To be a real and true burden-bearer, we must be much more than a "fair-weather" friend.  We must be a true friend---'one who comes in when the rest of the world has gone out'!

Let's determine to be a true friend---a true burden-bearer for others---thus fulfilling the law of Christ!

Do you have a friend who needs you to come alongside today and help them bear their burden?    

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