Wednesday, February 1, 2017


A short word -- only six letters -- but it is the most powerful force in the universe!  Mary, Queen of Scots, said she feared the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of the Queen of England!  Prayer is also one of life's sweetest privileges!  The songwriter said: "What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer."

Jesus said that "men ought always to pray, and not to faint".  A beautiful, old song says:  "Just keep on praying, 'til light breaks through; the Lord will answer, He'll answer you.  God keeps His promise, His Word is true!  Just keep on praying, 'till light breaks through!"  May God help us to not stop short of the Victory!! 
I have some quotes written in my Bible that stir and challenge me.  I trust they will be a help, encouragement and blessing to you, as well.

     "Wrestling prayer can wonders do -- bring relief in deepest straits;
Prayer can force a passage through iron bars and brazen gates."

     "In the conflict between Satan and the believer, God's child can conquer everything by prayer.  Is it any wonder that Satan does his utmost to snatch that weapon from the Christian, or to hinder him in the use of it?"

     "Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer, except that which lies outside the will of God."

     "There is power in prayer to give success and victory!"

     "You have not prayed until your heart has talked."

     "Prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue."

Let us be sure to daily "enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise."
You will be glad you did--- for Jesus will meet you there!

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