Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wise as Serpents . . .

I am certainly not a political analyst, by any stretch of the imagination, but my heart weeps for our nation today and I felt like I wanted to share these thoughts with you.
The RNC is in full swing with Mike Pence scheduled to speak tonight!  (Maybe Dad will be listening in heaven.  He was a great supporter of Mr. Pence).

As I have listened to some of the speeches, there seems to be a great deal of expectancy, energy, enthusiasm and excitement expressing hope for the future!

One thing does make me very sad, and that is some of our Christian friends say they will not vote for Mr. Trump so they are not going to vote at all.  They do not seem to understand that by not voting for Mr. Trump, they are automatically voting for Hillary Clinton!

Perhaps it would be well for us to read the very interesting parable in the 16th chapter of Luke of the unjust steward where the writer said:  . . . "the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."
May God help us to be . . . "wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

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