Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother -- the Heart of the Home!

Many years ago, God spoke to Moses and said, "What is that in thine hand?"  Thousands of years have passed since God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, but He is still speaking today.  I believe that on this Mother's Day in 2016, God is speaking and asking us -- "Mother, what is that in thine hand?"  And should we hesitate to answer, I believe God would answer for us -- "It is the children that I have given you to train for Me so that I can use them for My honor and glory and the upbuilding of My kingdom.  I fashioned your children when they were yet in your womb, and then I placed them in your hand and entrusted them to your care.  I asked you to teach your children diligently, and to talk of Me and My laws when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up."

I suppose there has never been a day when Mother's faced a greater challenge than we do today.  We are living on the brink of eternity, and the devil is doing everything he can to destroy the children that God has placed in our hand.  Are we going to live our lives of ease and pleasure and let our children slip out of our hands, or will we stand firm and refuse all of the devil's compromises, saying like Moses did -- the whole family's going and everything we possess; we're not leaving even a hoof behind!  God wants the whole family safe in the ark, but there is a price for us to pay, Mother, just like there was for Moses and Noah.

I read the story of a merchant ship named the "Star of India" which survived collision, a mutiny and a terrible cyclone on 21 trips around the world.  Her cargo included coal, timber, sugar and salmon, but more significant than these was the human cargo she bore carrying immigrants to New Zealand.  Over 400 people would pack the airless steerage compartments and tiny wooden berths for four months on the tossing sea.  Those brave souls that sailed on the "Star of India" risked everything to begin a new life.  They were committed to facing the dangers and enduring the hardships in hope of making a safe harbor.

What about you and me, Mother?  We are on a journey, too, and our Heavenly Father has placed our children and their never-dying souls in our hands.  They, our children, are the only thing we can take to heaven with us; we must leave everything else behind.  Our task is not easy.  We will face some storms; sometimes it will mean sacrifice and self-denial; sometimes it may seem almost hopeless, but there is never a place to give up; sometimes we will have to deny ourselves some comforts and pleasures and pour out our heart unto God.  But if we can make it to heaven and have the children in our hand, it will be worth a thousand times more than all the hardships of the journey!

Mothers, we are the heart of the home.  Let's give Jesus everything, and let Him guide us to heaven and home with the children in our hand!
God bless you and Best Wishes for a very blessed and happy Mother's Day!

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