Tuesday, May 10, 2016

It Is Glory . . .

Yes, "It is glory just to walk with Him whose blood has ransomed me; it is rapture for my soul each day.  It is joy divine to feel Him near where e'er my path may be.  Bless the Lord, it's glory all the way"!
This morning it was cloudy, a little rainy, and very quiet and peaceful in my cozy home.  I sat in my favorite little rocking chair, reading my Bible and thinking how blessed I am!  What a comfort, in these troubled times, to have a deep, settled peace in my soul.  God's sweet Presence filled my heart to over-flowing as the words pf hymn after hymn sprang up in my soul.

Then I thought of my friend who shared with me yesterday a deep valley she is going through.  Perhaps you, too, are going through a difficult time.  I trust that Jesus can minister to your need  through one of these wonderful songs.

     "Under His wings I am safely abiding.  Tho' the night deepens and tempests are wild.
Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me.  He has redeemed me, and I am His child."

And what comfort when we remember that our Heavenly Father's eye is on every little sparrow.  We don't need to be discouraged -- our Heavenly Father is watching us!
And what a thrill it is to lift our voices in singing the grand old hymns of the church like, 'A Mighty Fortress is our God, a Bulwark never failing!'
And as we're running the race of life, we must keep looking unto Jesus and remember that -- "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.  Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ.  One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase.  So bravely run the race till we see Christ."

If your heart is in need of a song today, pick up your hymnal.  I believe you will quickly find some "Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of life"!

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