I always enjoy attending the Women of Worth meetings in my area, and the 31st chapter of Proverbs gives us a lovely word picture of a genuine woman of worth!
Verse 10 tells us her price is far above rubies -- no quantity of precious stones can be equal to her worth!
Verses 11 and 12 speak about her treatment of her husband -- always doing him good -- having his happiness in view always (a wonderful ingredient for making a happy and loving home)!!
Verse 13 talks about working willingly; seeming to indicate that all her labor is done cheerfully because her heart is in it!
Verse 15 shows that she does not waste time and carries out her household duties in an orderly fashion.
Verses 25 through 31 are beautiful verses!! In verse 26 it tells us that "...in her tongue is the law of kindness." Perhaps this is the most distinguishing excellence of this virtuous woman!
Verse 27 tells us that a virtuous woman will be concerned about the needs of her household and not waste time in idleness.
In verse 28, we are told that a virtuous woman like this will be blessed and praised by her children and husband! (How is your score so far -- How is mine?)
I love verse 30 -- "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Somewhere I read the following beautiful quote about this verse which always challenges my heart: "She possesses true religion, has that grace that harmonizes the soul, that purifies and refines all the tempers and passions, and that ornament of beauty--a meek and quiet spirit--this is the lasting grace; the unfading beauty."
It is my prayer that God will help us, as wives and mothers, to learn from this beautiful example in Proverbs 31 what God wants us to be for our husbands and our children!
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