Monday, November 30, 2020


 Today is the last day of November!  The Thanksgiving feast has been put away -- the Thanksgiving table linens and decorations have been put away, soon to be forgotten.  But let us be careful not to lay aside our thankful heart, but may we daily take time to "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving" and begin each day remembering (in spite of some sorrows and difficulties) how very blessed we are!  

As we turn our thoughts toward the blessed Christmas season, it is so easy for our minds to be filled with shopping lists, holiday baking, etc., that we almost forget that JESUS is the reason for this blessed season!  So I, personally, just feel a need as I view the world around me to spend more time at Jesus' feet, trying to comprehend a little of the love He had for you and me, that He would be willing to leave the splendor of heaven and be born as a lowly babe in a manger!

There is an old song in our hymnal, "In Life's Quiet Hours".  I don't remember ever singing it or hearing it, but the words have been speaking to my heart, and I trust that you will join me in having some "quiet hours" as we begin our journey to Bethlehem this year.

"Often while in meditation on His love so free, comes a message from my Father spoken just to me.              Or it may be I have struggled thro' some trial sore; when my struggling turns to trusting, Lo, the trial is    o'er.  Or perchance while I am waiting still on bended knee, comes a quiet revelation of His love for me.   At my work or in my closet---almost anywhere---if in quietness I listen, I find Jesus there.

In life's quiet hours I find Him waiting for my call.  It is there He meets me, greets me, holds me lest I fall."  Amen!  

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