COME -- only four letters, but what a sweet and lovely word it is! I'm quite sure that your heart has been blessed and encouraged when you answered your phone to hear a friend say -- "Come over and join us." Perhaps there have been other times when you were disappointed when you were not included because you did not qualify, and were unable to meet all of the requirements. It blesses my heart to know that Jesus says -- "Come, Just as You Are"!
Ye who are troubled and burdened by sin, come just as you are. Come to the Saviour, a new life begin. Oh, come just as you are! Deep in your heart sin has written its scar; come just as you are. Though from your Father you've wandered afar, Oh, come just as you are!
Sinful and guilty, heartbroken and lost, come just as you are. Think what your ransom on Calvary cost! Oh, come just as you are! Naught of your goodness for sin can atone; Come just as you are. Trust in the merit of Jesus alone, and come just as you are.
Come with your heartache, your sorrow and pain; come just as you are. No one has come to the Saviour in vain. Oh, come just as you are! Come just as you are. Oh, come just as you are! Turn from your sin, let the Saviour come in, and come just as you are."
And if you are unable to go to the house of the Lord on this coming Lord's Day, you need not despair! Our Lord is present everywhere, and he is listening for you to call upon His Name! He has extended to you a blessed and sweet invitation -- "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!"
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