Friday, July 31, 2020


I like these thoughts that I read in an old Preacher's Magazine of my husband's ---
     Jesus came ---
"To Give - not to receive;
 To Build New - not to repair;
 To Redeem - not to entertain;
 To Serve - not to be served;
 To Make Whole - not to make better;
 To Release - not to "conserve".
 To Fulfill the Law - not to annul it;
 To Give Comfort and Peace - not pleasure and mirth;
 To Reveal - not to conceal;
 To Make Free - not to enthrall;
 To Suffer and Die - that others might live;
 To Seek and to Save - not to condemn;
 To be a Resident in heart - not a guest;
 To be "Shepherd" - not an "hireling";
 To Destroy Sin - not to suppress it;
 To Give Light - where darkness abounds;
 To Give Life - to those dead in sin;
 To Make Holy - all who believe and trust Him;
 To be The Way - The Truth - The Life - to a lost and perishing world."

Have you met the Master?  Do you know Him today?  Listen to His sweet call to you in Revelation 3:20 --
     "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:  if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."
What a blessed invitation, and it is still for us all today!

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