Friday, July 31, 2020


I like these thoughts that I read in an old Preacher's Magazine of my husband's ---
     Jesus came ---
"To Give - not to receive;
 To Build New - not to repair;
 To Redeem - not to entertain;
 To Serve - not to be served;
 To Make Whole - not to make better;
 To Release - not to "conserve".
 To Fulfill the Law - not to annul it;
 To Give Comfort and Peace - not pleasure and mirth;
 To Reveal - not to conceal;
 To Make Free - not to enthrall;
 To Suffer and Die - that others might live;
 To Seek and to Save - not to condemn;
 To be a Resident in heart - not a guest;
 To be "Shepherd" - not an "hireling";
 To Destroy Sin - not to suppress it;
 To Give Light - where darkness abounds;
 To Give Life - to those dead in sin;
 To Make Holy - all who believe and trust Him;
 To be The Way - The Truth - The Life - to a lost and perishing world."

Have you met the Master?  Do you know Him today?  Listen to His sweet call to you in Revelation 3:20 --
     "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:  if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."
What a blessed invitation, and it is still for us all today!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

July 29, 1940

JULY 29, 1940

Can it be 80 years ago today that a baby girl was born in Lexington, Missouri to parents who loved God and honored His Holy Word?!  She did not yet know that beautiful scripture in the 139th Psalm --- "Thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.  My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."

She did not know there was an "Unseen Hand" that would lead through ways she could not see.  She did not know this blessed "Unseen Hand" would eventually lead her to a college in Oklahoma where she met a guy from Texas her first day on campus!  She was not impressed, for Texans with their big cowboy hats and boots were a little overwhelming to a simple farm girl!  But the "Unseen Hand" was still leading, and during the college revival she heard someone praying quite loudly at the front of the church as she was walking out of the service.  She asked who that was, and they said -- "That's Gene Hood from Texas"!
Right then something welled up in her heart, and she thought -- "I would like to marry a man who can pray like that"!
The "Unseen Hand" continued to lead to the marriage altar, and to over 50 years of ministry as we endeavored to keep holding tightly to the "Unseen Hand"! 

And so today, on my 80th birthday, I want to sing --
     "I am blessed!  I am blessed!  Every day that I live I am blessed!
When I wake up in the morning 'till I lay my had to rest --
      I am blessed!  I am blessed! 
And it was a SPECIAL BLESSING to have the entire family here for a few days to celebrate my birthday!  They planned everything, did all the work, and I just reigned as a queen upon her throne!! 

And now, I would like to end this little Birthday Blog with this invitation to each of you --
     "Come and go with me to Glory Land!  They say those walls are Jasper and those gates are made of Pearl -- And in that land there'll never come a night --
      There with the flowing river and the streets all made of gold --
Jesus Christ, Himself, will be the light.
      Glory land!  Glory land!
Come and go with me to Glory land!"

Saturday, July 25, 2020



     In Galatians 6:14, we read -- "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." 
     Many wonderful hymns have been written about the cross upon which Jesus died, but  this sublime and beautiful hymn by Isaac Watts (which gives us insights into the love and the sufferings of Christ for us) is considered by many to be the finest hymn in English church history. 
     May our hearts be stirred, and our devotion deepened, as we take time this week to focus often on the Wondrous Cross!

     "When I survey the wondrous Cross
On which the Prince of Glory died,
      My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

      Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ, my God.
      All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.

      See, from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down.
      Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

      Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small.
      Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all."

A Lamp -- A Light

Yesterday was a wonderful day of praise and worship in the house of the Lord as we gathered in His Name!  Our hearts were blessed, strengthened and encouraged as new light from God's Word was shed upon our pathway.  As we face the unknown of a new week, how thankful we should be for God's Holy Word to light our path.  In the beautiful 119th Psalm, we read these comforting words --
     "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."  It is wonderful to know that as the sun provides physical light for the world, Jesus is spiritually the "light of the world." (John 8:12)  Without God's Holy Word, our world would lie in deep darkness, but "the entrance of Thy words giveth light."

We read in John 1:3-5 -- "All things were made by Him: and without Him was not anything made that was made.  In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.  And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."  How sad it is that although Jesus "was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world (John 1:9), when He, Himself, came into the world, those who were made by Him refused to accept Him.  And so, it is today.  The written Word has come into our world, but the world does not receive it either.  People still reject and ridicule the lamp and the light of the written Word, and the world still lies in darkness.  But, praise the Lord, for those who receive it, there is wonderful light! 
God's Word always brings light!  His first spoken Word was, "Let there be light." (Genesis 1:3)  Let us take careful heed to these words of Jesus in the 12th chapter of John --
     "Then Jesus said unto them, yet a little while is the light with you.  Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.  While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light."

     "Walking in the beautiful light of God, walking in the beautiful light of God;
In communion with the Lord, trusting in His Holy Word,
      We are walking in the beautiful light of God."   

Thanking -- Praising -- Singing

Today is Friday, and I just have a feeling if David---the little shepherd boy playing on his harp---the sweet singer of Israel, who became the King of Israel--- who appointed "certain of the Levites to thank and praise the Lord God of Israel continually with Psalteries, with harps, with cymbals,and with trumpets" was here among us today, I think he would be amazed to see that so many seem obsessed with who is wearing a mask and who isn't, rather than praising and thanking the Lord for His wonderful mercies which are new and fresh every morning! 
As we look to the coming Lord's Day, perhaps it would be good for us to take a little time to meditate on these wonderful words from David's Psalm of Thanksgiving in the 16th chapter of I Chronicles.

     "Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people.  Sing unto Him, sing Psalms unto Him, talk ye of all His wondrous works.
      Glory ye in His holy Name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.  Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually.
      Remember His marvellous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.  He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth.  Be ye mindful always of His covenant: the Word which He commanded to a thousand generations.
      Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; shew forth from day to day His salvation.  Declare His glory among the heathen; His marvelous works among all nations.  For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: He also is to be feared above all gods.  For all the gods of the people are idols: but the Lord made the heavens.        Glory and honour are in His presence; strength and gladness are in His place.  Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength.  Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name: bring an offering, and come before Him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.  Fear before Him, all the earth.  Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth. 
      Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein.  Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord, because He cometh to judge the earth.
      O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth for ever.  And say ye, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to Thy Holy Name, and glory in Thy praise.
      Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever and ever.  And all the people said, Amen, and praised the Lord." 


Yesterday was a beautiful morning, and I was reading in the Book of Ecclesiastes when I came to these words in Chapter 11 --
     "Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun:"  My mind went immediately to the lovely song, "Sunshine in my Soul" by Eliza Hewitt.  I looked in my book of Hymn Stories, and found this account of the story behind the writing of this lovely gospel song!  I trust it will be a blessing to your heart today.

     "James S. Hewitt was a young sailor who kept a journal that tells of harrowing storms, shipwrecks, near escapes---and an earnest faith!  One entry tells of a voyage to China in which he was surrounded by a rough, irreligious body of men who paid no attention of any duty to God on the Sabbath, or on any other day.  Oaths, card-playing, etc., marked their conduct when at leisure.  James, deeply saddened, would slip off to quiet spots to read his Bible and pray.
      It was into this Christian home that a daughter was born in 1851.  Little Eliza grew up in the nurture of the Lord.  She was a teenager during the Civil War, but she managed to concentrate on school well enough to graduate valedictorian of her class.  She displayed an unusual love for children, and after further study she became a school teacher.
      In 1887, while teaching at the Northern Home for Friendless Children, Eliza was struck by an unruly student.  He slammed his slate across her, severely injuring her back.  The doctor placed her in a heavy cast for six months, and Eliza was virtually immobile, perhaps wondering if she would ever walk again.  When the cast was removed, the doctor told her to take a short walk in nearby Fairmont Park.  It was a warm spring day, and she was overcome with joy.  Returning home, she picked up her pen and immediately wrote the hymn, "Sunshine in My Soul."
      Her injuries were severe enough to preclude school teaching, so she devoted herself to Bible study and hymn writing.  Eliza lived many more years, and wrote scores of hymns, including -- "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place", "When We All Get To Heaven", and "Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown"?
Eliza died in 1920, and her grave reads simply --- "Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, Hymnwriter, author of Sunshine in My Soul."

     "There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky, for Jesus is my light.
      There is music in my soul today, a carol to my King;
And Jesus, listening, can hear the songs I cannot sing.

      There is springtime in my soul today, for when the Lord is near
The dove of peace sings in my heart, the flowers of grace appear.
      There is gladness in my soul today, and hope and praise and love,
For blessings which He gives me now-- for joys "laid up" above.

      Oh, there's sunshine -- blessed sunshine,
While the peaceful, happy moments roll.
      When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul"! 





Wednesday, July 8, 2020

BY and BY !

  "You are an unlettered ignoramus!  You know you are not educationally fit to be a bishop!"  Wow!!  Those very "unflattering" words were spoken by a Methodist minister to Charles Tindley, who is the author of four of my favorite songs -- "Stand by Me" -- "I Will Not be Denied" -- "Nothing Between" -- and "We'll Understand it Better By and By"!
     "Bro. Tindley was being considered for a Methodist bishopric, a position sought by the rival minister.  Just before the election, an anonymous letter falsely accused Bro.Tindley of immorality.
      As a prominent, powerful African-American preacher in Philadelphia, Bro. Tindley often suffered racially motivated persecution.
      His worst heartaches, however, arose within his own family.  The deepest blows were the death of his wife, Daisy, and the death of one of his sons in World War I.

      Atop those pressures were the financial burdens of a large church made up of poverty-stricken masses.  Bro. Tindley spoke to his congregation --"All of us know we are without jobs.  We don't own big bank accounts.  We don't even know what tomorrow will bring.  But we do have hope!  We do have God!  We do have salvation!  We do have faith!"  Bro. Tindley served Christ faithfully until he was in his eighties.  One day, in 1933, he showed up at the hospital.  "How are you, Reverend?  What can we do for you?"asked the hospital director.
     "I have come to die", said Bro. Tindley.  He declined rapidly, and passed away on July 26, 1933.  All Philadelphia mourned, but he was buried in an unmarked grave, for his church did not have funds for a memorial."

     "We are often tossed and driven on the restless sea of time.
Somber skies and howling tempests oft succeed a bright sunshine.
      In that land of perfect day, when the mists have rolled away,
We will understand it better by and by.

      We are often destitute of the things that life demands ---
Want of food and want of shelter, thirsty hills and barren lands.
      We are trusting in the Lord, and according to His Word,
We will understand it better by and by.

      Trials dark on every hand, and we cannot understand
All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land.
      But He guides us with His eye, and we'll follow 'till we die,
For we'll understand it better by and by.

      Temptations, hidden snares, often take us unawares --
And our hearts are made to bleed for many a thoughtless word or deed;
      And we wonder why the test when we try to do our best.
But we'll understand it better by and by.

      By and by when the morning comes,
When the saints of God are gathered home,
      We'll tell the story, how we've overcome;
For we'll understand it better by and by."

And so, my friend, even if we are called an "unlettered ignoramus", or whatever else anybody wants to say--if we will be faithful and true---if we will carry the cross, and cling to it, and cherish it -- one of these days we will exchange it for a crown!  Praise the Lord!

Monday, July 6, 2020


Praise the Lord for this beautiful Monday morning!  My heart is still rejoicing over the wonderful services yesterday in the house of the Lord!  The patriotic music was so very beautiful, and the good messages from our pastor blessed and encouraged our hearts!
This little prayer from an unknown author says it well ---

     "I know three things must always be
To keep a nation strong and free:
      One is a hearthstone bright and dear
With busy, happy loved ones near.

      One is a ready heart and hand
To love and serve and keep the land.
      One is a worn and beaten way
To where the people go to pray;

      So long as these are kept alive,
Nation and people will survive.
      God, keep them always, everywhere ---
The hearth, the flag, the place of prayer."  Amen!

As we begin this new week, may we remember that God's Word says --
     "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"; and we can only be blessed, and have peace and sweet rest, as we yield Him our body and soul.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Independence Day

     "The fourth of July, also known as Independence Day, has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution.  On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of Independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.  From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues."

This fourth of July will no doubt be quite different this year because of the virus restrictions, and it is easy to see the validity of Proverbs 14:34 --
     "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."  Our founding fathers paid a tremendous price to give us the freedoms we have enjoyed (and, too often, taken for granted)!
Perhaps it would be good for us to pause today and sing this wonderful patriotic hymn -- "God of Our Fathers"!

     "This hymn represents a double celebration of America's 100th birthday.  The words were written in 1876 by a New England pastor in honor of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  The music was written twelve years later in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the United States Constitution.  Daniel Roberts, a 34 year old veteran of the Civil War, authored the words.  George Warren, a self-taught organist, composed the stately tune with its     trumpet fanfares.  He eventually became one of America's premier organists.  When he died in 1902, there was a feeling that no organist could play as well as he could, so not a single note of music was played at his funeral, which was attended by thousands."

     "God of our fathers, whose almighty hand
Leads forth in beauty all the starry band
      Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies,
Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise.

      Thy love divine hath led us in the past.
In this free land--by Thee our lot is cast.
      Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide, and Stay,
Thy Word our law, Thy paths our chosen way.

      From war's alarms, from deadly pestilence,
Be Thy strong arm our ever sure defense.
      Thy true religion in our hearts increase;
Thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace.

      Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way.
Lead us from night to never ending day.
      Fill all our lives with love and grace divine;
And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine."  Amen!   

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

More Than Conquerors!

     "We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Praise the Lord for this wonderful promise in the 8th chapter of Romans!

What a blessed scripture for us to hold in our hearts on this first day of July!  Let us keep anchored in Jesus -- trusting and obeying -- as we face our tomorrows that are all already known to our Master!  Praise the Lord!
Let us hold tightly to God's unchanging hand, and hold this little quote in our hearts --

                  "Yesterday He helped me.  Today He did the same.    
                    How long will this continue?  Forever --- Praise His name!"