In the 12th chapter of Genesis, we read -- "Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him."
Again, in the 11th chapter of Hebrews where we read about some of the great heroes of faith, we read: "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went."
Yesterday I read these words concerning Abraham -- "Whither he went, he knew not; it was enough to know that he went with God." I love that sweet thought, and isn't that a wonderful statement for us in our present situation! We don't have to understand everything -- our Master knows right where we are and what we have need of today. I like these words from F. B. Meyer:
"It is by no means enough to set out cheerfully with your God on any venture of faith. Tear into smallest pieces any itinerary for the journey which your imagination may have drawn up. Nothing will fall out as you expect. Your Guide will keep to no beaten path. He will lead you by a way such as you never dreamed your eyes would look upon. He knows no fear, and He expects you to fear nothing while He is with you."
Annie Porter Johnson wrote --
"The day had gone; alone and weak I groped my way
Within a bleak and sunless land.
The path that led into the light I could not find!
In that dark night -- God took my hand.
He led me that I might not stray,
And brought me by a new, safe way I had not known.
By waters still -- through pastures green --
I followed Him -- the path was clean of briar and stone.
The heavy darkness lost its strength,
My waiting eyes beheld at length the streaking dawn.
On, safely on, through sunrise glow I walked,
My hand in His, and lo -- the night had gone."
So as we begin another week of walking with Jesus, and Living by Faith, let's sing this little chorus and practice it all week long!
"Just keep on praying, 'til light breaks through!
The Lord will answer -- He'll answer you!
God keeps His promise -- His Word is true!
Just keep on praying, 'til light breaks through!"
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