Friday, March 13, 2020

"It Took A Miracle"

I've always loved this beautiful song, but I had never read the story that inspired the writing of it until yesterday.  It was a blessing to my heart, and I trust it will be to yours also!

     "John W. Peterson's life reads like a novel.  He was born in Kansas, where his brothers, Bill and Bob, lived a wild and dangerous life of 'boozing, gambling, fast-driving, and sheriff-baiting.'
      Then one night Bill came home, took his mother in his arms, kissed her, and said, 'Mother, I have found your Christ as my Saviour.'  The change in him was immediate and dramatic.  Soon Bob, too, was saved along with other members of the family.  Then John, twelve, gave his heart to Christ.  The brothers became traveling evangelists, and John often joined them on their trips, singing at the meetings.
      When World War II began, John joined the Air Force and became a pilot, who repeatedly risked his life while transporting men and materials over the fabled 'China Hump'.  In his spare time he studied the Bible and wrote gospel songs.  When the War ended, John enrolled in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
      He said, 'I sat in a classroom at Moody one day when the lecturer said something that started me thinking in a concentrated way about the grace and love of God.  Soon I lost contact with the lecture, and my mind turned back to my childhood when I had seen the radical change in the lives of my brothers Bob and Bill through the power of the gospel.  I relived my own conversion --- to me, such a miraculous thing.
      My thoughts raced on to the flights over the Himalayas, the spectacular power of God revealed in those electrical storms, the majesty of the mountains themselves, the incredible variety of the jungle, and the star-filled nights of dazzling beauty high in the air.
      As these scenes flashed through my memory, I began to focus on the element of the miraculous in all of God's work, creation, and redemption.  The words of a song were forming in my mind, and before the class period was over the chorus was all thought out.  I hurried over to the music building, found a vacant studio, and started to write'!"

     "My Father is omnipotent, and that you can't deny;
A God of might and miracles, 'tis written in the sky.
      Though here His glory has been shown,
We still can't fully see the wonders of His might, His throne;
      It will take eternity.

      The Bible tells us of His power and wisdom all way through,
And every little bird and flower are testimonies too.
      It took a miracle to put the stars in place;
It took a miracle to hang the world in space.
      But when He saved my soul, cleansed and made me whole,
It took a miracle of love and grace!"

Praise the Lord for this wonderful song!  As we look to the coming Lord's Day, I think of the fear that is gripping the hearts of so many in our nation and around the world today -- fear of the spreading virus -- fear of the unknown tomorrows, fear of the stock market, and a myriad of other fears that threaten to pile higher and higher!  But if we belong to Jesus, we need not fear tomorrow--our Master is already there!  He still knows the number of hairs in our head -- His ear is still always open to our cry -- there is still Nothing impossible with our God -- and He still reigns upon His Throne!!
What a sweet privilege to belong to Jesus -- our Saviour -- our Sanctifier -- and soon-coming King!


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