Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What Shall I Give?

As Christmas approaches, everyone is making their list and checking it twice!  I wonder -- do you have Jesus on your gift list?  What are you planning to give to the Master?  In reality, Jesus isn't interested in our material gifts -- He already owns everything!  He is not impressed with who we are, what we have done, or where we have been.  All that Jesus really wants from you and me this Christmas is a lump of clay -- just ourselves -- that He can mold and make any way He chooses to bring honor and glory to Him!

Perhaps it can best be illustrated by the sweet story of the little boy in the Christmas drama.  He was too small and shy to learn a lot of lines, but the director wanted everyone to have a part.  It was decided that he would be the inn-keeper, for they felt that he could say -- "Go away!  There is no room!"  He had his part mastered, and never missed his line -- "Go away!  There is no room!"

The night of the program came, and Joseph and Mary came wearily to the inn, asking for a room.  The little boy firmly said -- "Go away!!  There is no room!"  But as Joseph and Mary turned sadly and forlornly away, the little boy's tender heart was broken.  He forgot all about his part, and rushed after them, crying -- "Come back, Mary!!  Come back, Joseph!  You can have my room!"

This sweet little story always touches my heart; and in this blessed Christmas season, let us not forget that this is the most important gift we can give -- and the only gift we can give to Jesus -- just ourselves!  Do you belong to Jesus this Christmas?  I trust that you will say with the songwriter --
"Not just a part -- or half of my heart -- I will give ALL to Thee!" 

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