Monday, August 19, 2019

School Days!

Summer is drawing to a close -- family vacations are ending -- the blessings of the summer Camp Meetings will soon be just a memory -- the groups representing the Bible Colleges have finished their summer travels -- and young people from Kindergarten to College are beginning another school year!
Some will be going to Christian Day schools -- others will be home-schooling -- some will be in public school -- some will be going to Bible College, and others to Universities, etc.

Many are beginning this new school year with great excitement and anticipation, while there are others who face it with some fear and uncertainty.  Then there are other wonderful young people, recently graduated, who are planning to enter uncharted paths they have never traveled before!  Some will be working on advanced degrees---excited about the vocation they plan to pursue!  Some will be saying "I do", and pledging to live "Each for the other and both for the Lord".  Others will be going into ministry as Pastors, Missionaries, Christian School teachers, etc.

As I think of my own grandchildren (and one great grandchild) in school this year, I think of what a blessed privilege and responsibility we have as parents, grandparents, church family, and Christian friends to encourage them---faithfully pray for them, and let them know that no matter how old or young they are, God wants to use them to be a bright and shining light for Him!

And, young people, I would challenge you as you begin this new school year, to "Give of your best to the Master" and "Study to shew thyself approved unto God. . .".  (II Timothy 2:15).  And may you sense God's sweet presence especially near you day by day as you Trust Him,  Obey Him, and walk close by His side!    

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