Monday, July 29, 2019

July 29, 1940

In Lexington, Missouri, 79 years ago today  a baby girl was born in a large, three story home.  When the Dr. came to deliver the baby that day, he may have been a little surprised to find that not only the mother and father of the baby to be lived there, but also the grandparents, a great aunt, another aunt and uncle, and a cousin!  However, as far as I know, everyone got along "in sweet accord"!

I was the first child -- my daddy was 37 and my mother was 27 when they got married, and I was born 13 months later!  As I look back on my life, I can say with the Psalmist -- "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."
When I was about nine years old, my daddy bought a farm in Kansas, and I went to a one-room country school house until the 8th grade.  After graduation from High School, I went to College in Bethany, Oklahoma where I met the man I would marry the very first day I was on campus!  He was a Texan, and I was not used to cowboy boots, cowboy shirts, and "10 gallon" cowboy hats!  But the first time I heard him pray during the college revival, I said in my heart -- "I want to marry a man who can pray like that!"  So---I decided I better learn how to lasso so I could get the rope around his neck and rein him in!!

The Lord blessed our home with four wonderful children, and it was a blessed privilege to spend over 50 years in ministry before Dad went to heaven four years ago.  I will have to admit that I still miss being "the pastor's wife", but I am so happy that some wonderful young men are answering God's call to preach His Word, and I consider it now a great privilege to pray for them as they begin their ministry in these days of great challenge.

I am very blessed now to live near all of my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren (except my son, Jonathan, and his family who live in Kansas City).  But from the oldest to the youngest, they all bring me lots of joy and happiness --spoil me, and take wonderful care of me!!  And I feel my first and greatest responsibility now is to endeavor to do my best to build the Ark according to God's perfect pattern so that He can bring all of the family into the safety of the Ark!

So as I begin another year, I am so very thankful that ---
     "I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender.  They're leading me in paths that I must trod.
I have no fear when Jesus walks beside me, for I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
      So let the storms rage high, the dark clouds rise, they won't worry me --
He walks with me, and naught of earth shall harm me,
      For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God."  

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