Wednesday, April 3, 2019

This Moment . . .

The songwriter said -- "Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine" ---
The poet said -- "All I Have Is Now" ---

     "I do not have the yesterdays; for they are past and gone.
I could not change them if I would, since they have traveled on.
      I cannot cancel out their ills; increase the joys they gave --
For they are gone; their memory is all that I can save.

      I do not have the promise of the light of one tomorrow.
I cannot order future joys -- evade oncoming sorrow.
      And sooner than I think may come the ending of the way.
I cannot count on what may be -- I only have today.

      I have this present golden hour, and that is all I ask;
For if I live this hour for God, then I am at my task.
      This hour -- and then the next one -- and each hour He may allow --
Oh, let me live them all for Him!  For all I have is now."
                                                                                -- Lois Eades

We are reminded in the Epistle of James:  " know not what shall be on the morrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

     "So help me today -- show me the way -- one day at a time"!

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