Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Not Just a Part ---

     "I awoke this morning with a sob", said Bishop Hendrix.  "I was at a great missionary convention, and I awoke thinking about the millions of little children who do not know that the Heavenly Father's face is turned toward them.  'Give us', they cry, 'your cup of consolation; Never to our outreaching hands 'tis passed; We long for the Desire of every nation, And, oh, we die so fast'!

      One morning a Hindu mother went out to the banks of the Ganges, leading in either hand her two children.  A missionary saw her going to the banks of the river, and he knew what she was going there for.  He looked into her eyes with all the pleading of fatherhood and tried to persuade her not to do it; not to give up one of these little children.

      Then he looked at the faces of the two children.  One of them was as perfect a baby as any mother ever held close to her heart in America or anywhere; the other was blind and lame and crippled.  The missionary went away, knowing he could not persuade that woman to break from the thought of centuries in a single hour's pleading.  He came back to that spot, and saw the Hindu mother still standing by the riverbank, her heart breaking!  One child was missing.

      As the missionary drew near, he discovered that the perfect child was gone; the mother had kept the little blind and lame one for herself.  As he looked into the eyes of that mother, he said to her, 'Woman, if you had to give one, why didn't you give this little lame and blind one and keep the perfect one for yourself'?  She said, 'O sir, I do not know what kind of God you have in America, but I know that out here in India our god expects us to give him our very best."

Dear Heavenly Father -- "Not just a part -- or half of my heart -- I will give ALL to Thee"!  

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