Friday, March 29, 2019

Jesus Never Fails!

Today my hurt is hurting as I think of some friends and loved ones going through heavy trials.  I feel at a loss to know how to help and encourage them.  But how wonderful it is that we can find refuge, comfort and encouragement in the precious Word of God.
Deuteronomy 33:27 reminds us that "the eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms."  And how blessed it is to carry a song in our heart to uplift us in the dark hours.  It is so sweet to know that "Jesus Never Fails".

     "Earthly friends may prove untrue, doubts and fears assail;
One still loves and cares for you, One who will not fail.
      Tho' the sky be dark and drear, fierce and strong the gale,
Just remember He is near, and He will not fail.

      In life's dark and bitter hour love will still prevail.
Trust His everlasting power; Jesus will not fail.
      Jesus never fails.  Jesus never fails.
Heaven and earth may pass away, but Jesus never fails"!

May God bless you today as you "take your burden to the Lord and leave it there."

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Take Time!

Everyone is busy.  Most everyone has a schedule to meet.  Almost everyone seems to be in a hurry.  And it seems nearly everyone does not know how to be still and Take Time ----

     "Take time to be friendly -- it only takes a smile and a kind word.
Take time to give -- it brings peace and contentment.
      Take time to laugh -- it is the music of the soul.
Take time to think -- it plants the seed of accomplishment.

      Take time to read -- it is the foundation of wisdom.
Take time to work -- it is the price of success.
      Take time to play -- it is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to love and be loved -- it is a God-given privilege.

      Take time to pray -- it is the greatest power on earth."

Psalm 4:4 says -- "...commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still."
In Psalm 46:10, we read -- "Be still, and know that I am God."
Isaiah 30:15 tells us -- " quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."

And let us never forget the wonderful promise in James 5:16 --
       "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Monday, March 25, 2019

Shelter in the Storm

It seems like we have had quite a lot of storms lately, and it is raining again this morning.  We may not be too excited when we look out the window, see the dreary-looking sky and lots of water standing in the yard.  But we don't expect the storm to last too long -- we are looking for the sun to shine again!

There are also stormy times in our lives, but we have the wonderful promises in God's Holy Word to encourage us as we journey through each storm toward heaven and home!  Let us not forget that God's ways are still Always the best ways -- we can master the tempest through God's way and in God's strength, so let us hold steady in the time of storm.  Remember -- God is our shelter!

     "The Lord's our Rock; in Him we hide, secure whatever ill betide --
A Shade by day, Defense by night; no fears alarm, no foes affright --
      The raging storms may round us beat; we'll never leave our safe retreat --
O Rock divine, O Refuge dear; be Thou our Helper ever near.

      Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land -- A Shelter in the time of storm"!

And, remember -- "There is peace when the storm is raging in the shelter of His arms!"

Friday, March 22, 2019

Prayer Changes Things!

Prayer -- so simple; so sublime!  How sweet it is to sing with the Psalmist -- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."  And then the Psalmist reminds us -- "He that keepeth thee shall neither slumber nor sleep."  And our wonderful Lord never tires of our coming to Him --His ear is Always open to our cry!  I trust these words from an unknown author will speak to your heart today.

     "Skies seemed dark to me one morning and my thoughts were tinged with gloom,
But my eye fell on a motto that was hanging in the room.
      Silvery letters in blue background; heavenly thought on shining wings,
brought me hope in one brief message.  It was this -- 'Prayer changes things'!

      Things surround like iron mountains; things that make a thorny way --
Things that curtain clouds with doubting; things that make it hard to pray.
      Dreadful things that never happen dog our steps, but faith still sings
in our ears this hopeful message, 'Don't forget; prayer changes things.'

      We have seen some things prayer changes; greater things we yet may see.
When the Hebrews came from Egypt, prayer made pathways through the sea.
      In the hot and dusty desert, Moses prayed and cooling springs
gushed out from their rocky prisons, just because 'prayer changes things.'

      We should be very careful lest some things should change our prayers.
Pleasing things like lotus perfumes steal in on us unawares,
      Till we loiter in a dreamland -- Slaves, but thinking we are kings.
There's a golden key to freedom; it is this -- 'Prayer changes things.'

      When we think that our surroundings keep us from the heavenly way,
Or that wealth or change will help us in some distant place or day,
      Let's remember 'tis our Saviour, not environment, that brings
Strength and blessing, peace and pleasure.  Here's the way, 'Prayer changes things.'

And in the words of a beautiful song by William Runyan:
     "Prayer is the breath of the soul's deep life,
Prayer is the shield in the midst of strife,
      Pray when about you the clouds hang low,
Pray when you know not which way to go."

"Just keep on praying, 'till light breaks through.  The Lord will answer, He'll answer you.
God keeps His promise, His Word is true.  Just keep on praying 'till light breaks through!"


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Queens of the Parsonage

March is a delightful month -- it speaks of freshness and newness!  The winter is past -- the birds are singing -- the hint of the coming springtime is in the air.  Solomon talks about it in the Song of Solomon:  "The winter is past -- The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come -- The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell."
But the coming Springtime is not the only special thing about March.  This is also the month that has been designated as a special month of appreciation for the Pastor's Wife!  I am very thankful for the pastor's wives who were wonderful role models for me as a child growing up, and today, at 78 years of age, I am still very thankful for pastor's wives whose sweet Christian lives inspire me and show me by their example that "nothing sweeter can be known than full surrender . . ."

I would like to dedicate this little poem entitled, "Pastor's Wife", by Lisa Morgan to my pastor's wife, Sis. Janice Thornton, who is a gracious addition to her husband's ministry, and a wonderful role model for all of us who call her our pastor's wife!

     "Although you're in the shadows, and walk a few steps behind
the man we call our Pastor, you never seem to mind --
      You share him with us unselfishly, though it means you're often alone.
Your gentle, caring spirit, is a blessing all of its own.

      When we called him as our Pastor, we didn't realize,
You were one of the greatest things he'd bring into our lives.
      Thank You for being such a wonderful pastor's wife"!

Make sure you let your pastor's wife---your Queen of the Parsonage---know how much you love and appreciate her ministry to her husband and to you!

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Little --- Your Best!

Praise the Lord for this beautiful Monday morning!  I trust the joybells are ringing in your soul this morning as we begin another week, but perhaps the enemy of your soul has come knocking and you have answered the door and let him convince you that you are of little worth to the Master---you might just as well give in to your discouragement.  But God's Word tells us the devil is a liar and the father of them.  You have a place to fill in God's Kingdom, whether large or small, and I trust that we will be challenged today to Give our Best to Jesus, our wonderful Lord!

Perhaps this poem, "The Little You Have" by Mary Kimbrough, will be an encouragement to your heart today.

     "A cup of cold water, a crust of dry bread? 
The loaves and the fishes a multitude fed.
      The little you have He requireth of you;
 By Christ blest and broken, 'twill multiply too.

      A dime or a dollar -- a thousand, or more?
Two mites in the coffer, and Jesus took store.
      He blessed the poor widow for what she could do;
The little you have, friend, will bring blessing, too.

      A cup, or a vessel; a large one, or small --
With oil never failing, He filleth them all.
      And though your poor vessel be little and frail,
When filled with the Spirit, you never shall fail.

      A lamp and a pitcher, a trumpet and sword;
So Gideon battled against that great horde,
      With breaking of pitchers, and lamps burning bright;
We'll soon shout the victory as they did that night.

      A thread and a needle, the garments she'd made,
Were shown by the widows, as tribute they paid.
      Though humble the labor, whatever you do,
When done unto others, then He'll bless you, too.

      A plow or a hammer, a needle or pen --
Whatever your talent, just give all to Him;
      He'll bless it to make a multitude glad;
He'll use to His glory the little you had."

And though we may have little to give, let us remember the words of the songwriter who challenged us to ---
     "Give of your best to the Master -- Give Him your heart's adoration --
      Give of your best to the Master -- Give Him first place in your heart --
      Give Him first place in your service -- Consecrate every part.
      Give of your best to the Master -- Naught else is worthy His love.
      Clad in salvation's full armor -- Join in the battle for truth!"

Let us give Jesus our all and our best as we love Him, serve Him, and walk humbly with Him!

Friday, March 15, 2019

"Come, Thou Fount"

Last night, I picked up a little booklet of devotionals from hymn stories.  I opened it at random, and began to read ---
     "Robert Robinson was born in Norfolk, England, in September, 1735.  His father passed away when he was only eight years of age.  As soon as he was old enough, he got a job as an apprentice to a barber.  As he grew older, he came under the influence of that great evangelist, George Whitefield.  He became convicted of his terrible, sinful ways.  On December 10, 1755, Robinson could not escape from a particular phrase used by Mr. Whitfield in one of his sermons:  'Oh, my hearers!  the wrath to come!  the wrath to come!'  He was wondrously converted and became a minister of the gospel!

      Later, after pastoring for several years, for some unknown reason, he became unstable, unhappy, and ended up in a backslidden state, far away from God.  He found himself one day the fellow passenger of a young lady on a stagecoach.  It is reported that she began to sing to break the monotony of the trip.  And what did she sing?  This beautiful song --
     "Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace.
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for song of loudest praise.
      Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount!  I'm fixed upon it, mount of God's unchanging love.

      Here I raise my Ebenezer; hither by Thy help I'm come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home.
      Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger, interposed His precious blood.

      Oh, to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be!
Let that grace now, like a fetter, bind my yielded heart to Thee.
      Let me know Thee in Thy fullness; guide me by Thy mighty hand
Till, transformed, in Thine own image in Thy presence I shall stand."

When she had finished singing these beautiful words, she asked him what he thought about the song.  His startling reply was -- 'Madam, I am the unhappy man who wrote that hymn many years ago; and I would give a thousand worlds, if I had them, if I could feel now as I felt then.'"

Such sad, sad, words!  I wonder -- what would cause the writer of this lovely hymn to begin to stray away from His wonderful Lord?  I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know that it is a sobering reminder that we must guard carefully our never-dying soul, walk in the beautiful light of God, and keep the fire burning in our souls until one day---in His presence we shall stand!       

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Not Just a Part ---

     "I awoke this morning with a sob", said Bishop Hendrix.  "I was at a great missionary convention, and I awoke thinking about the millions of little children who do not know that the Heavenly Father's face is turned toward them.  'Give us', they cry, 'your cup of consolation; Never to our outreaching hands 'tis passed; We long for the Desire of every nation, And, oh, we die so fast'!

      One morning a Hindu mother went out to the banks of the Ganges, leading in either hand her two children.  A missionary saw her going to the banks of the river, and he knew what she was going there for.  He looked into her eyes with all the pleading of fatherhood and tried to persuade her not to do it; not to give up one of these little children.

      Then he looked at the faces of the two children.  One of them was as perfect a baby as any mother ever held close to her heart in America or anywhere; the other was blind and lame and crippled.  The missionary went away, knowing he could not persuade that woman to break from the thought of centuries in a single hour's pleading.  He came back to that spot, and saw the Hindu mother still standing by the riverbank, her heart breaking!  One child was missing.

      As the missionary drew near, he discovered that the perfect child was gone; the mother had kept the little blind and lame one for herself.  As he looked into the eyes of that mother, he said to her, 'Woman, if you had to give one, why didn't you give this little lame and blind one and keep the perfect one for yourself'?  She said, 'O sir, I do not know what kind of God you have in America, but I know that out here in India our god expects us to give him our very best."

Dear Heavenly Father -- "Not just a part -- or half of my heart -- I will give ALL to Thee"!  

Monday, March 11, 2019

I Know!

Let us begin this new week with these wonderful words of introduction to the book of II Timothy.  The Apostle Paul is sending greetings "to Timothy, my dearly beloved son".  I love the Apostle's testimony in verse 12 -- "for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day."

What a wonderful verse, and I am sure that our Lord loves for us to have this complete and uttermost confidence in Him -- to trust Him fully at all times and in all circumstances!  The Hand of our wonderful Lord is stretched out to you today -- this Hand with a wound in the palm of it.  Reach out the hand of your faith today, and cling to God's hand, for "without faith it is impossible to please Him."  I like these words by John Oxenham:

     "Not what, but WHOM I do believe! 
That, in my darkest hour of need, hath comfort that no mortal creed
      To mortal man may give.  Not what, but WHOM!
For Christ is more than all the creeds,
      And His full life of gentle deeds shall all the creeds outlive.

      Not what I do believe, but WHOM!  WHO walks beside me in the gloom?
WHO shares the burden wearisome?  WHO all the dim way doth illumine,
      And bids me look beyond the tomb, the larger life to live?
Not what I do believe -- BUT WHOM!"

     "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise; just to know, 'Thus saith the Lord'.
      Jesus,  Jesus,  How I trust Him!  How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
Jesus,  Jesus,  Precious Jesus!  Oh, for grace to trust Him more."

And don't forget --
       "Reach up as far as you can, and God will reach down all the rest of the way." 

Friday, March 8, 2019

In Your Mirror!

Another week has flown by, and it is Friday again.  As we look to the coming Lord's Day, did it ever occur to you that the Lord might want to use You in the services on His Holy Day?  You may have read or heard this story before, but I trust it will challenge your heart anew today.

     "John Egglen had never preached a sermon in his life.  Never.  But then one morning, he did.  The snow left his town of Colchester, England, buried in white.  When he awoke on that January Sunday in 1850, he thought of staying home.  But, he reconsidered.  He was, after all, a deacon.  And if the deacons didn't go, who would?  So he put on his boots, hat, and coat, and walked the six miles to the Methodist Church.

      He wasn't the only member who considered staying home.  In fact, he was one of the few who came.  Only 13 people were present -- 12 members and one visitor.  Even the minister was snowed in.  Someone suggested they go home.  Egglen would hear none of that.  They'd come this far; they would have a service.  Besides, they had a visitor -- a 13 year-old boy.

      But who would preach?  Egglen was the only deacon.  It fell to him, and so he did!  His sermon lasted only 10 minutes.  It drifted, and wandered, and made no point in an effort to make several.  But at the end, an uncharacteristic courage settled upon the man.  He lifted his eyes and looked straight at the boy, and challenged:  "Young man, look to Jesus.  Look!  Look!  Look!"

      Did the challenge make a difference?  Let the boy, now a man, answer.  "I did look, and then and there the cloud on my heart lifted, the darkness rolled away, and at that moment, I saw the sun."
The boy's name -- Charles Haddon Spurgeon, England's prince of preachers!
Did Egglen know what he'd done?  No.
Do heroes know when they are heroic?  Rarely.
Are historic moments acknowledged when they happen?

      We seldom see history in the making, and we seldom recognize heroes -- which is just as well, for if we knew either, we might mess up both.  But we'd do well to keep our eyes open.  Tomorrow's Spurgeon might be mowing your lawn.  And the hero who inspires him might be nearer than you think ----
         He might be in your mirror!"   

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"Tending A Wounded Heart"

Last evening my daughter-in-law brought me some of my husband's old Preachers Magazines, books, periodicals, etc. that she had found and thought I would enjoy.  As I was trying to sort through them, I noticed this title on the front of a little pamphlet.  I sat down to read it, and it touched my heart.  I trust it will minister to you today!

     "Some years ago, on February 13th, a first year representative in the New York State assembly received an urgent telegram at his Albany, New York, office containing a single three word sentence:  'Come home now'!  The day before, his wife had given birth to a baby girl.  So, as the train made the five-hour trip back to his home in New York City, the new father wondered if something had gone wrong.  As he read and reread the telegram, he prayed that all would be well.  Walking into his home, the man's brother greeted him with this sad lament:  'There's a curse on this house.'

      The new father dashed up the stairs to his bedroom where he found his wife, Alyce, dying.  Holding her, he could be heard pleading:  'Let her live.  Let her live.'  At one point during that long night, someone slipped into the bedroom and whispered into the man's ear:  'If you want to see your mother before she dies, come downstairs now.'  The man slipped away and walked down a flight of stairs into his mother's room where he held her until she died at 3 a.m.

      Returning upstairs, the man then held his wife until she also died at two that afternoon.  The grief in the air of that household was periodically punctuated by the cries of a two-day old motherless baby.  Before the man went to bed that night, he opened his daily diary and slashed a huge X across the day's page and scribbled:  'The light has gone out of my life.'  The date was February 14, 1884, Valentine's Day.

      Two days later, the man followed identical rose-wood caskets down the center aisle of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church where he had married Alice four years earlier.  The sanctuary was packed with some of New York City's most distinguished citizens.  During the funeral service, cries could be heard throughout the congregation.  Even the minister, as he led the service, wept as he tried to offer some words of hope to the grieving son and husband.  After the service, the man had to be led like a child to and from the graves.  Friends described the man as being in a 'dazed, stunned state.'  Others said:  'He does not know what he does or says.'  Many concluded that the twin blows of death would leave him emotionally damaged permanently.

      Yet, the man who experienced such a devastating Valentine's Day did recover.  Over time, his wounded heart was healed.  He would continue on, marrying again, serving as assistant secretary of the Navy, governor of New York and President of the United States!  His name -- Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt!"

If your heart is wounded today, I trust that your heart will be encouraged as you meditate on these blessed promises from God's Holy Word:
      "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart".  Psalm 34:18
      "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds".  Psalm 147:3
      "For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord".  Jeremiah 30:17
      "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness".  Isaiah 41:10       
I love this beautiful promise -- Claim it as your own today!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Nothing Too Hard!

It is a Beautiful Monday morning!  The golden sunshine is streaming through the windows and glistening on the snow covered ground!  My heart sings with the Psalmist -- "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord."  Amen!  What a blessed privilege it is to praise the Lord and thank Him for His manifold blessings!  How sweet it is to love and serve Him!

In Jeremiah 32:17, we read these wonderful words:  "Ah Lord God!  behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee."  I am thankful that there is nothing too small in our lives for the Lord to be interested in, as well as the blessing of knowing there is nothing too hard for Him.  II Chronicles 16:9 says:
     "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him."

In response to Jeremiah's great statement of faith, the Lord gave him the assurance he sought, for the Word of God says the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying:  "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh:  is there anything too hard for me?"  Isn't that a thrilling verse!! 
God, who made the sea, could roll back its waters to enable His people to pass through its midst unharmed (Exodus 14:29).  He, who made the earth, could cause the earth to cease its rotation to give His people victory (Joshua 10:12-14). 

We can be confident that our problems are no more difficult for God than those of 600 B.C.  May we be careful to have trusting and obedient hearts in both the great problems and the small problems of life.  Remember -- our wonderful Lord delights in transforming the hard things of life into the wonderful works of God!

Friday, March 1, 2019

God Loved -- God Gave

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  I'm sure many would say that this is the greatest and most loved verse in the Bible!  In Acts 20:35, Jesus, Himself, said:  "It is more blessed to give than to receive."  The theme of giving is very prominent in the Bible, and I read in a devotional article that words like "give, gift, gave, etc. occur more than 2,100 times."  It is interesting that the first time is in the very first chapter of Genesis when God created the sun, moon and stars "to give light upon the earth", and the last time is in the very last chapter of the very last book in the Bible -- when Christ will return with His rewards to "give every man according as his work shall be."

But the sweetest and greatest gift was when God gave Himself for a lost and dying world.  Of course, this was not the end of His giving!  In I Timothy, we are admonished to "Trust . . . in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy."  Isn't that a lovely verse!!

We know that this wonderful gift of God is abundantly sufficient to provide salvation and everlasting life for the whole world!  But a gift only becomes a gift when it is accepted, and it is so sad that this greatest of all gifts has been spurned, and ridiculed, and ignored by so many who need it so much!
As we look to the coming Lord's Day, may we take time to contemplate this great gift---the wonderful love of God for you and me so that "He spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all."  

     "What shall I give Thee, Master?  Thou hast given all for me.
Not just a part or half of my heart -- I will give all to Thee!"