At the Dr.'s office a few days ago, he handed me a paper with a list of instructions to be followed. He did not ask me if there were any I didn't like, or if there were any I thought were unnecessary -- he just told me what to do and to come back at the appointed time. There was one instruction that I wasn't very "blessed" or excited about doing, but I didn't argue or even question because I knew it was for my benefit.
Then, on the way home, I started thinking about how sad it is that we are quick to obey the orders of the Dr. (who sometimes might make a mistake), but hesitate to obey our Heavenly Father -- the One who never has and never will make a mistake -- the One who "has loved us with an everlasting love -- the One who has given unto us "great and precious promises" -- and the One who was willing to die that you and I might live!
The Apostle John tells us that "His commandments are not grievous"! How blessed it is to trust Him with ALL of our heart -- not lean upon our own understanding -- in all our ways acknowledge and follow Him as He directs our paths. Every commandment -- every law -- every instruction -- is for our good, so that one day we can hear our Master say: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Praise the Lord!
"There's a holy and beautiful city, whose Builder and Ruler is God;
John saw it descending from heaven, when Patmos in exile he trod.
Its high, massive wall is of jasper; the city itself is pure gold.
And when my frail tent here is folded, mine eyes shall its glory behold.
No sin is allowed in that city, and nothing defiling nor mean;
No pain and no sickness can enter; no crape in that city is seen.
Earth's sorrows and cares are forgotten; no tempter is there to annoy;
No parting words ever are spoken; there's nothing to hurt and destroy.
No heartaches are known in that city; no tears ever moisten the eye;
There's no disappointment in heaven, no envy and strife in the sky.
The saints are all sanctified wholly; they live in sweet harmony there.
My heart now is set on that city, and someday its blessings I'll share.
In that bright city, pearly white city,
I have a mansion, a harp, and a crown.
Now I am watching, waiting, and longing
For the white city John saw coming down."
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