Today, across our beloved nation people are gathering to celebrate and enjoy the blessings of Family, Food and Fellowship! Let us not fail to take time to thank our Heavenly Father for His manifold blessings to our nation, and remember what it cost for us to enjoy the freedoms we too often take for granted. An unknown author penned these words:
"It might be well for us to remind ourselves that the freedom which we commemorate is not self-perpetuating.
It is something we must work for, conscientiously and continually, even as did our forefathers. They were ready to die for freedom; can we do less than strive to nurture and protect it?
Of the fifty-six who signed the Declaration of Independence, five were captured by the British and executed as traitors, nine others died from wounds or the hardships of the Revolutionary War.
Still others saw their homes and plantations destroyed.
For those who lived, the reward was poverty -- their possessions commandeered, their lands laid waste.
These were the men who gave us an independent America over 200 years ago. They are the men who pledged:
"For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
Through their sacrifice we have freedom. We have our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Let us not take these sacred rights and our God-given freedom for granted."
And may we remember that God's Holy Word says in the 33rd Psalm: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
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