Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Wilderness!

The 16th chapter of Genesis begins quite sadly, for we find Sarah deciding that she is going to "help" the Lord since she is still barren.  (Do we sometimes forget that God doesn't need our help?  His promise is true---He will not forget you)! 
Sadly, Abraham hearkened to her voice -- and you know the rest of the story -- Sarah gave her maid, Hagar, to Abraham to be his wife; and when she conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.  Then when Sarah dealt hardly with her, she fled to the wilderness where the angel of the Lord found her.
Yes, it was several thousand years ago that this incident in scripture occurred, but I think there have probably been a few times in all of our lives when we felt like doing what Hagar did that day---fleeing to the wilderness!

The storms of life come to all of us, and there are times when we hurt; when we are misunderstood; when we suffer loneliness; when we are mistreated; when no one seems to care -- but it is so comforting to remember that Jesus always knows right where we are, and delights in sending His angel to comfort us in all our distresses.

Take courage, dear friend!  It doesn't matter where you have fled to -- it doesn't matter how deep in the wilderness of doubt, despondency, and despair you may be.  There is hope!  You can look up and say with Hagar in the wilderness -- "Thou, God, seest me"!  And, remember, God knows what we have need of before we even tell Him all about it!  Praise the Lord!

Has one of God's angels found you in the wilderness today?  If so -- Don't Stay There!!  God's wonderful grace is sufficient for life's severest circumstances! 
Get out of the wilderness today and return to your place of service!  Jesus will meet you there!

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