Monday, September 18, 2017

Using Our Faith!

In Romans 1:17, we read:  ". . .The just shall live by faith."  I read an interesting little acronym for the word "Use."  Let us examine it a little bit.

U -- USE what you have.  Moses had only a rod when God called him to deliver the children of Israel (Exodus 4).  The Lord wants us to use what we already have in our possession.  The widow of Zarephath gave her small amount of grain (I Kings 17).  Daniel used his secular position (Daniel 6), and Esther used her beauty and bravery (Esther 4).  God used each of these to help accomplish His purpose and will.

S -- START doing it!  Nothing happens unless we get involved.  The priests of Israel participated in the miracle at the Jordan river when they obeyed and stepped in the water (Joshua 3).  The widow did not reap the bounty until she followed the prophet Elisha's instructions and borrowed vessels from her neighbors.  (II Kings 4)  The man who was born blind had to wash as instructed before he could see.  (John 9)  And those at Lazarus tomb had to roll away the stone before they could witness the miracle and hear Jesus say, "Lazarus, come forth!" (John 11)  God instructs -- we obey -- and He performs!

E -- EXPECT it to happen!  The centurion understood the Lord's authority when he asked Him to heal His servant.  (Matthew 8)  The Syrophonecian woman exercised great faith for her healing (Matthew 15), and the nobleman went home confident that his son had been saved (John 4).

Circumstances will vary, but God's "formula" does not!  And remember --

      "Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."
                                                                                               --Hebrews 11:6     

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