Monday, July 3, 2017

Independence Day!

Our nation is anticipating celebrating the Fourth of July tomorrow with families gathering for a wonderful time of feasting and fellowship!
Yesterday at church we sang the beautiful militant song, entitled "Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe.  I thought you might enjoy hearing the story behind the song.

     "One day in December, 1861, Julia traveled to Washington, D.C. where her husband, Dr. Samuel Howe,  was stationed.  As she rode to Washington on the night train, Julia could see the small fires that Union sentries had built to protect themselves from the cold as they stood at their lonely posts.  The sight of these soldiers filled her with sorrow at the bitterness of war. 

      She wanted to help, but her only special talent was her skill with words.  When young men were dying on the battlefield, far from their homes and loved ones, what good were her poems? she wondered.

      One day on her visit to Washington, Dr. Howe took Julia to a Union army camp in Virginia to inspect the post.  Julia walked through the hospital, stopping to chat with the wounded soldiers.  Some of them were so young.  They should be in school, not at war.  Why, she wondered, was it necessary that such young men suffer pain?  Why must so many die?

      Suddenly, the rattle of musketry broke the air.  The alarm was sounded.  A young lieutenant ran up and pointed to the west.  "The rebs have us surrounded at the bridge!"  Julia watched as the soldiers rushed to the defense of the surrounded unit.  As the musket fire snapped and echoed, her heart pounded with fear -- not for herself, but for the boys who were so bravely rushing to battle.  Would they be wounded?  Perhaps even die?  Her heart ached for them, and in her despair she prayed, "Lord, show me your purpose; in my confusion, give me light to see."  A phrase came to her--"Mine eyes have seen the glory."  The words strengthened and supported her.

      That night Julia tried to sleep, but she could not.  Before dawn she was fully awake, and on a scrap of paper she wrote the now famous lines of "Battle Hymn of the Republic."  Her poem was published in Atlantic Monthly.  It was reprinted in newspapers, magazines, and in army hymnbooks.  Soon Union soldiers were marching to its rhythm, inspired by her words.  President Lincoln was moved to tears each time he heard it.

      Julia lived an active and productive Christian life till her death at the age of 98, and in her later years said:  "Those who once loved my hymn still sing it.  I hope and believe that it stands for what our whole country believes in -- the sacredness of human liberty."

Tomorrow, the Lord willing, as we return to our homes after a wonderful day of food, fellowship, fireworks and family, let us thank God and sing from our hearts --

      "Glory!  Glory!  Hallelujah!  His truth is marching on!"        

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