Friday, September 16, 2016

New Guinea -- We Miss You!

It was a year ago this month that Randy, Barb, Ashton, Angel and I flew to Los Angeles, boarded a huge double-decker jumbo jet and took off over the ocean!  We landed safely in Brisbane, Austrailia and soon took off again.
What a thrill it was as we descended and saw the city of Port Moresby coming into view.  Even as I write, tears come to my eyes as I recall wonderful memories!!

When we stepped off the airplane in New Guinea, it was a great thrill, and very humbling, for me to see a great crowd of preachers who had come to greet us because they loved Dad (some of them had sacrificed greatly to be there)!
From that moment on, we experienced blessing after blessing, and thrill after thrill as we traveled the very narrow road up to the highlands!!  (Actually, our driver, one of the dear Christian men, slowed down from his normal speed for my sake!!) :)

Our family has not forgotten the many kindnesses of the Honorable Speaker Zurenuoc, and we pray that our wonderful Lord will grant him the wisdom, knowledge, courage and strength that he needs in these important days!

I don't expect to ever experience anything as thrilling as being able to see the cheering crowd of 100,000 or more people lining the streets to view the Bible as it was being carried through the city by some of the church leaders much like the Ark of the Covenant!

Our family is thinking of you again this week as you celebrate your Independence.  We left a part of our hearts there with you in New Guinea, and if we are not able to meet again in this life, let us covenant together to meet again at Jesus' feet.
God bless you richly, and may He continue to use you for His glory and the upbuilding of His kingdom!  

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Someone Needs You!

Perhaps you think you are of little worth, but in our hurting world there are many in need of a friend who will take time to listen and understand; someone who really cares; someone they can trust; someone to pray for them and point them to Jesus, the Friend who always cares and understands! 
I trust the words of this beautiful poem by an unknown author will lodge in your heart today, and help you to remember there is someone needing you!!

     "If you're feeling sad and lonely, there seems nothing you can do --
Just take courage and remember, there is someone needing you.
     You were created for a purpose, for a part in God's great plan;
Bear ye one another's burdens--so fulfill Christ's law to man.

      Are you father, son, or daughter?  You've work none else can do.
Are you husband, wife, or Mother?  There is someone needing you.
      If perhaps in bed you're lying, you can smile or press the hand
Of the one who tells his story; he will know you understand.

      There are many sad and lonely, and discouraged, not a few,
Who a little cheer are needing, and there's someone needing you.
      Someone needs your faith and courage; someone needs your love and prayer;
Someone needs your inspiration, thus to help their cross to bear.

      Do not think your work is ended, there is much that you can do;
And as long as you're on earth -- there is someone needing you!"

     "Make me a blessing to someone today."


Friday, September 9, 2016

It is Finished!

In the last book of the Bible -- Revelation --  in the last chapter of the Bible -- chapter 22 -- we find the last promise, the last invitation, and the last warning. 

     The last Promise is found in verse 14:  "Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

     The last Invitation is found in verse 17:  "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.  And let him that heareth say, Come.  And let him that is athirst come.  And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."

     The last Warning is found in verses 18-19:  "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

     Are you ready for that Day to come??

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How Many Pearls Do You Have?

There are two short verses in the 13th chapter of Matthew that are very intriguing!  Jesus talks to us about a man who dealt in goodly pearls---he bought and sold beautiful pearls.  This man undoubtedly had a marvelous collection---probably the best in the country.  He had been a dealer and collector for many years, traveling extensively to purchase, trade, barter and make the best deals possible.  He had worked hard to obtain his rare collection that would bring top dollar in the world's market.

He was quite satisfied with his collection, and actually had no thought of doing anything further.  One day, however, he was out with a fellow dealer in pearls, and as they were browsing through some little shops, he suddenly saw the most brilliant, magnificent pearl he had ever seen.  He let out a gasp; it was breathtakingly beautiful!  He trembled as he spoke to the shop keeper.  He was afraid to ask the price, yet he had to know!

He staggered backwards at the sum.  There was no way!  It was impossible; but, oh, the pearl was so wonderful; so pure and lovely!!  How he longed to possess that magnificent pearl. 
He went home quickly and began to think---"I have some pearls that I can part with.  I'll sell those and perhaps the merchant will lower the price."
This accomplished, he hurried back to the store, but it was no use.  He pleaded and begged and bargained, but the merchant would not lower the price even one penny.

Sadly, the man returned home.  There seemed to be no way he could have the pearl; but, oh, how he wanted it!  He dreamed about it at night, and every waking moment found him struggling with a way to pay the price.
Finally, after weeks of struggling and figuring, he realized that the only possible way he could obtain the magnificent pearl was to sell his entire collection---every pearl he had!  He couldn't keep a one---it took them all to pay the required price!

Do you have any pearls you need to get rid of?  Let's have a sale!!  Let's part with everything we have in order that we may obtain the Pearl of Great Price -- the blessed Holy Spirit!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day!

Today is Labor Day, but no one is laboring except the women who are doing the cooking!!  :)  It is a national holiday, and families are enjoying times of relaxation, feasting and fellowship!  It is a blessing to be with loved ones on special days and times of leisure, but it is also a great blessing to be able to labor.  Ecclesiastes 5:10 says:  "The sleep of a labouring man is sweet."

There are many people today on beds of affliction who would love to be able to join you as you plan to return to your place of labour tomorrow.  So be grateful for your employment, your health, and for the wisdom and knowledge needed for your particular job.  But, as you return, perhaps it would be well for all of us, as we end this labor day, to remember God's commandment:

       "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work.  For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. . . . Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

      "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord."
                                                                                                                 --Psalms 122:1   

Friday, September 2, 2016

Today --- I Miss You!

I miss you today, Dad, on this our 58th Wedding Anniversary!  I remember well the first day I met you.  It was my first day on the college campus -- the Kansas farm girl meeting a "genuine Texan" -- complete with cowboy boots, cowboy shirt (you know---the kind with those ugly brass buttons), and of course, your 10 gallon cowboy hat!!  Did you know I was not impressed!!  :)

However, I also distinctly remember the first time I was impressed!  The college was in Revival, and as I was leaving the service one night with some friends, I heard someone at the front of the church praying very loudly!  I said, "Who is that praying so loud", and they said -- "That's Gene Hood from Texas"!  Did you know, Dad, that something immediately welled up in me (I remember it as if it were yesterday) and I said in my heart -- "I would like to marry a man who can pray like that"!!

Do you remember that Wednesday in Chapel when you came down from the balcony and sat down in the empty seat beside me, intending to ask the girl who sat there for a date to Prayer Meeting that night?  Do you remember she never came, so you asked me instead?  :)  :)

That was the beginning of our relationship that led to the marriage altar, and now, today is our 58th wedding anniversary!  Do you remember when you gave me this little card?  It is one of my favorites:

       "I asked the Lord to bless me with an angel in my life --
A woman I could treasure as a loving friend and wife.
       And so you came from Heaven as the answer to my prayer;
And changed my world forever through the precious love we share."

I miss you today, sweet Papa.  I miss your wise counsel -- your leadership -- I greatly miss hearing you pray -- but I intend, by God's wonderful grace, to Meet You in the Morning---just inside The Eastern Gate---with the family in my hand!